What part of speech is “think”

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'think' is an act of contemplation or consideration, usually of a deep or serious nature. The noun can also refer to a particular occasion of thinking or an opinion formed as a result of this.

rules and use cases associated with the noun may include usage such as 'My latest think reveals that', 'This think was followed by' or 'I have been thinking a lot lately'.

1. 'We'd love to hear your latest think on the matter.'

2. 'Before making this decision, I need to have a think.'

3. 'My think on the situation is that we should proceed with caution.'

tips, nuances, and common mistakes associated with usage include wording this as 'think about' and not just 'think'.


As a verb, 'think' means to form opinions or judgments after a process of consideration or reflection. It can be used as a mental action such as 'thinking of a solution' or 'thinking hard' and it can be used as a communication action such as 'think out loud'.

rules and use cases associated with the verb include sentence constructions such as 'are you thinking what I'm thinking?', 'I'm thinking about what to do' and 'I didn't think I'd ever say this'.

1. 'I'm thinking of taking a gap year after graduation.'

2. 'He didn't think he'd be given the job.'

3. 'We decide to think on it before we make up our minds.'

common mistakes and nuances associated with the verb include the incorrect usage of 'think of' and 'think about'. 'Think of' is more direct, implying the generation of an idea, concept, or opinion while 'think about' implies considering something and can be paired with other words for a more refined definition. It is also important to note that the phrase 'think to' does not exist and cannot be used.

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