What part of speech is “tired”

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as an adjective, 'tired' describes a state of feeling in need of rest or sleep. It can also be used more broadly to indicate that something is overused or clichéd.

'tired' can describe a person, animal, or even an abstract concept. It can be used predicatively (after a linking verb) or attributively (before a noun).

I am so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open.

That's such a tired excuse; I've heard it many times before.

The dog looked tired after the long run.

be cautious not to confuse 'tired' with 'tiring.' While 'tired' describes the state of feeling fatigued, 'tiring' describes something that causes fatigue. 'Tired of' is a common phrase used to express being fed up with or bored of something

'I'm tired of this repetitive music.' 'Tired' can also be paired with other words to create compound adjectives, such as 'tired-looking' or 'tired-eyed.'


'tired' can also be the past tense and past participle of the verb 'tire,' which means to feel or cause to feel in need of rest.

when 'tired' is used as a verb, it indicates a past action or state. It can be used in various tenses that require the past participle form, such as the present perfect ('have tired') or the past perfect ('had tired').

He tired quickly after the intense workout.

The long journey tired her out.

I have tired of the same routine every day.

'tire' as a verb is less commonly used than 'tired' as an adjective. Ensure you're using the correct form based on the context. 'Tire out' is a phrasal verb meaning to exhaust or wear out.

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