What part of speech is “today”

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today is a word that is used as an adverb to refer to the current day or the immediacy of the present.

Rules and use cases for this part of speech include its usage to mark the current day, such as 'I am writing my essay today.' It can also be used to refer to a time period within the immediate future, such as 'I will finish my essay today.' Other use cases include its usage to refer to the day it was written, such as 'This letter was written today.'

1. Despite strict deadlines, I completed all my tasks today.

2. Today is the fourth day of my fast.

3. I will start my project today.

it is important to note that today is not to be confused with 'tonight', which refers to the night that is upon us, rather than the day. Today is used when referring to regular days, as opposed to holidays or celebrations. 'To day' is also incorrect, as 'to' is not part of the word. Finally, when additional words are added around today, the words should be hyphenated. For example, 'I will see you two-weeks-from-today.'

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