What part of speech is “very”

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used to denote a high degree, or a greater degree than normal. This adjective describes something that is of excellent quality, or very strong in intensity.

rules and use cases for 'very' in this capacity include using it to describe things that are far beyond what is normal or expected, such as 'very hot' or 'very loud.'

'The air felt very hot in the desert.'

'She was very frustrated.'

'He had very long hair.'

tips and nuances for using 'very' as an adjective include remembering that it should always be placed before the word it is describing. Additionally, when describing strong emotions or feelings, it is important to be aware of nuances in meanings between 'very' and 'extremely' — for instance, while 'very frustrated' implies being unhappy, 'extremely frustrated' connotes something closer to feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope.


used to modify verbs or adverbs to amplify the statement made. In this context, it is used to portray a greater degree of intensity in the action of the verb or adverb.

rules and use cases for 'very' in this capacity include using it to show that the action is of a high degree and not just usual or ordinary.

'He worked very hard.'

'She drove very fast.'

'The music sounded very pleasant.'

tips and nuances for using 'very' as an adverb include remembering to use it only when describing the action of a verb or adverb, not a noun. Additionally, when using to describe feelings or emotions, it is important to remember the distinction between 'very' and 'extremely' — for instance, while 'very hard' implies an effort that is greater than normal, 'extremely hard' implies a very strenuous amount of effort.

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