What part of speech is “wabe”

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the word 'wabe' is famously found in the poem 'Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll, which is included in his work 'Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There.' as a noun, 'wabe' is a fictional term without a clear, universally accepted definition in standard English. However, within the context of 'Jabberwocky,' it is part of the whimsical, nonsensical vocabulary that Carroll created.

Carroll himself provided a playful explanation for 'wabe.' He suggested it means 'The grass-plot round a sundial,' derived from the verb 'to swab' or 'soak.' The 'wabe' is the part of the ground that's soaked by the sun, moving with the sundial's shadow.

The creatures danced upon the wabe under the bright moonlight.

Alice wondered about the nature of the wabe and its significance in the fantastical world.

The borogoves wandered near the wabe, looking for a place to rest.

'Wabe' is specific to the world of 'Jabberwocky' and Lewis Carroll's imaginative universe. It's not a standard English term, so its use outside of this context might confuse readers or listeners unfamiliar with Carroll's work.

When referencing 'wabe,' it's helpful to note its origin in 'Jabberwocky' to provide context.

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