What part of speech is “water”

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a noun is a word that functions as the name of a person, place, thing, quality, or action. In the word 'water,' it functions as the name of a thing; specifically, water as a substance. It can be used in phrases such as 'bottle of water,' 'pool of water,' or 'glass of water.'

1. I grabbed a bottle of water for my hike.

2. The children built a sandcastle by the pool of water.

3. She poured a glass of water for her dinner guests.

when used as a noun, 'water' does not need any other descriptors attached to it; this implies the substance as opposed to referencing a certain type of water (such as 'mineral water' or 'filtered water').


a verb is a type of word used in relation to an action, event, or state of being. In the word 'water,' it functions as an action; namely, the process of supplying an area with water or the action of giving water to a person or thing.

1. The farmer watered his vegetable garden every day.

2. She watered the flowers before her presentation.

3. The firefighters had to water the grass to reduce the fire danger.

when used as a verb, 'water' is often used in combination with another verb for intensification (such as 'waterlogged,' 'waterproofed,' or 'watery'). Additionally, this verb is usually used in the context of a specific area, such as a garden or field.

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