What part of speech is “were”

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we're is not a part of speech, but a contraction of the two words 'we' and 'are.' It can refer to a group of people that are united by a common goal or characteristic. For example, 'We're a family,' or 'We're a team of adventurers.' In this form, the contraction 'we're' can also refer to the individual identity of the speaker. For example, 'We're the Smiths,' or 'We're explorers.'

1. We're a tight-knit group of friends.

2. We're going to the movies tonight.

3. We're trying to make the world a better place.

when using 'we're', make sure that the 'we' that is being referred to is clear. Otherwise, it could lead to misunderstanding.


Were is the past tense of the verb 'to be.', especially it's form 'are.'

It is often used in place of 'was' when referring to a past situation that happened as a part of a hypothetical situation. For example, 'If I were rich, I would buy a house.' Other examples include, 'I were worried that it wouldn’t work.' and 'We were happy with the outcome.' The past tense of 'to be' in phrases of wish or would can also be 'were'. 'I wish I were the president' or 'I would be here if I were you'.

1. I were weary after the long journey.

2. We were about to leave when the storm hit.

3. If I were you, I would take the offer.

When using the past tense of 'to be' it is important to remember that it is usually 'was' in the present tense and 'were' in the past tense. It can be easy to get confused between the two so it is important to pay attention to the context and ensure that the correct form is used.

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