What part of speech is “wish”

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as a noun, 'wish' refers to a desire or hope for something to happen or be the case. It can represent both realistic and unrealistic desires.

used to express a particular hope or desire. Can be used in the context of greetings or celebrations, such as in 'best wishes.'

My wish is to travel the world one day.

She sent her best wishes on my birthday.

The genie granted him three wishes.

'wish' as a noun can sometimes be confused with 'want,' but a 'wish' is generally more about a hope or desire, often something not immediately attainable, while 'want' is more about a current need or desire.


as a verb, 'wish' describes the act of feeling or expressing a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable or is not likely to happen.

often used with a that-clause 'I wish that I had more time.' Can be used with a past tense verb to express a regret or desire for a situation to be different 'I wish I knew the answer.' Can be used with 'would' to express a desire for someone to do or not to do something 'I wish you would call me.'

I wish I could fly.

She wishes she had studied harder for the test.

They wish to join the club next year.

when expressing a desire for a situation to be different in the past, the verb following 'wish' is often in the past perfect 'I wish I had known.' 'Wish' followed by an infinitive (e.g., 'wish to do something') is more formal and less common than simply using 'want.' Don't confuse 'wish' with 'hope.' While both can express desire, 'wish' is often used for situations that are imagined or unreal, while 'hope' is used for real possibilities in the present or future.

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