What part of speech is “yet”

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'Yet' can be used as a adverb to mean something that is still outstanding or unresolved. It works to describe an event or situation that remains to be seen or a conclusion that has yet to be reached. As an adverb, yet is typically used in negative constructions since it indicates something that hasn't happened or been arrived at.

Typically, 'yet' will follow a negative phrase and precede a verb. Additionally, it is important to note that this word will not be used in an indefinite form but will always refer to a specific occurrence.

1. 'We don't know if they will stay married yet.'

2. 'The jury has not come to a verdict yet.'

3. 'We haven't seen the last of the snow yet.'

A common mistake with this word is to forget that 'yet' can only refer to a specific occurrence; it cannot be used in an indefinite form. Also, it is important to always remember to place 'yet' towards the end of a sentence. Finally, words like 'already' or 'still' should not be used in place of 'yet' as they have very distinct meanings and uses.

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