What is another word for democracy

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A system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives.

Antonyms of democracy


Strongest matches:

- autocracy

- dictatorship

- monarchy

- tyranny

- authoritarianism

- totalitarianism

Weak matches:

- oligarchy

- plutocracy

- theocracy


Strongest matches:

- autocratic

- dictatorial

- tyrannical

- authoritarian

- totalitarian

Weak matches:

- oligarchic

- plutocratic

- theocratic


republic, self-government, self-rule, popular government, elective government, representative government, democratic state, commonwealth, autonomy, freedom, egalitarianism

Usage examples:

1. In a democracy, it's vital that citizens exercise their right to vote.

2. The principles of democracy are founded on the idea that everyone should have an equal say in government.

3. Many countries around the world strive to uphold democracy as a core value of their society.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a direct antonym of democracy?

A direct antonym of democracy is 'autocracy.' In an autocracy, power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual, such as a dictator or monarch, who makes decisions without the input or consent of the general populace.

Can 'oligarchy' be considered an antonym of democracy, and how do they differ?

Yes, 'oligarchy' can be considered an antonym of democracy. While democracy involves rule by the many or the populace, oligarchy is a form of government where power is held by a small group of individuals, elites, or families. These select few make decisions that benefit themselves, often at the expense of the wider population.

Is 'totalitarianism' an antonym of democracy, and if so, why?

Yes, 'totalitarianism' is an antonym of democracy. Totalitarianism is a political system where the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life whenever possible. This contrasts sharply with democracy, where power is distributed among the population, and there is a significant emphasis on individual freedoms and rights.

How does 'anarchy' relate to democracy as an antonym?

While not a direct antonym in the traditional sense, 'anarchy' can be considered an antonym to democracy in terms of governance. Anarchy refers to a state of society without government or authority. In contrast, democracy involves a structured government chosen by the people to represent and enact their will. Anarchy emphasizes the absence of any governing body, whereas democracy focuses on a government by the people and for the people.