What is synonyms for gaslighting

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A form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or sanity.

Synonyms of gaslighting


Strongest matches:

- psychological manipulation

- mental manipulation

- emotional manipulation

Weak matches:

- mind games

- psychological abuse

- mental abuse


Strongest matches:

- manipulate

- deceive

- mislead

Weak matches:

- distort

- confuse

- disorient


validating, enlightening, supporting, clarifying, affirming

Usage examples:

1. She realized he was gaslighting her when he repeatedly denied events that she clearly remembered.

2. Gaslighting can have severe emotional effects, making the victim question their own reality and sanity.

3. The movie portrayed a chilling story of psychological manipulation and gaslighting within a toxic relationship.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a simpler synonym for gaslighting that I might use in everyday conversation?

A simpler synonym for gaslighting you might use in everyday conversation is 'manipulating.' This word captures the essence of gaslighting, which involves manipulating someone into questioning their reality or sanity.

Is there a term that describes gaslighting in a professional or clinical context?

In a professional or clinical context, the term 'psychological manipulation' is often used to describe gaslighting. This term underscores the deliberate and harmful psychological tactics used to manipulate someone's perception of reality.

Can you provide a synonym for gaslighting that emphasizes the deceit involved?

A synonym for gaslighting that emphasizes the deceit involved is 'deceiving.' This word highlights the element of dishonesty and trickery central to gaslighting, where the perpetrator deceives the victim into doubting their own memory, perception, or sanity.

Is there a synonym for gaslighting that focuses on the aspect of undermining someone's confidence?

A synonym that focuses on the aspect of undermining someone's confidence is 'undermining.' This word specifically captures how gaslighting erodes the victim's confidence in their own thoughts and feelings, making it a fitting synonym that highlights this particular impact of gaslighting.