What is another word for irony

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A situation in which there is a contrast between expectation and reality, often in a humorous or poignant manner.

Antonyms of irony


Strongest matches:

- sincerity

- candor

- seriousness

Weak matches:

- honesty

- truthfulness

- frankness


Strongest matches:

- straightforward

- sincere

- genuine

Weak matches:

- honest

- direct

- earnest


sarcasm, satire, dryness, sardonicism, wit, mockery, cynicism, paradox, incongruity

Usage examples:

1. The irony of the situation was that the fire station burned down.

2. She couldn't help but laugh at the irony of finding her lost phone just after she bought a new one.

3. It was an irony that the grammar teacher made a spelling mistake in her email about the importance of proofreading.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a direct antonym for 'irony'?

A direct antonym for 'irony' would be 'sincerity.' Irony often involves saying something that means the opposite of what is actually said, usually for humorous or emphatic effect. Sincerity, on the other hand, involves saying what one truly means without any hidden meanings or contradictions.

Can 'straightforwardness' be considered an antonym of 'irony'?

Yes, 'straightforwardness' can be considered an antonym of 'irony.' While irony may involve a level of subtlety, indirectness, or contradiction in what is being communicated, straightforwardness implies a direct, clear, and honest manner of communication without any hidden meanings or complexities.

Is 'earnestness' an opposite concept to 'irony'? How so?

Yes, 'earnestness' is an opposite concept to 'irony.' Earnestness involves a serious and sincere attitude or approach. When someone is earnest, they are genuine and straightforward in their expressions or actions. This contrasts with irony, which often involves a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant, sometimes for the purpose of humor, criticism, or to make a point.

Would 'candor' be considered an antonym of 'irony'? Why or why not?

'Candor' can indeed be considered an antonym of 'irony.' Candor refers to the quality of being open, honest, and straightforward in expression. It implies a lack of deceit or evasion. Since irony often relies on saying one thing but meaning another, typically in a more nuanced or veiled manner, candor's directness and transparency serve as its antithesis.