Mastering English: 9 Common Challenges for Brazilians

Learning a new language is a journey full of challenges and discoveries, and for Brazilians, the path to English fluency is equally challenging. Although Brazilian Portuguese offers a solid foundation of sounds and rhythms, learning English can be difficult due to differences in pronunciation and grammar rules.
But is learning English as hard as it seems for Brazilians? In this article, we will share the key challenges that Brazilian learners often encounter and practical tips to make your learning process smoother and more enjoyable.
The Main Challenges in Brazil English Learning and Fluency
Learning English can be challenging for many Brazilians! From different pronunciations and grammatical traps to the confidence needed to converse, it's easy to feel lost. Below, we’ll highlight the main obstacles that arise on the journey to achieving fluency in English.
Accent and Pronunciation of Brazil English Speaking
Brazil's linguistic diversity influences how we learn English. In the Southeast, the strong "r" helps with the pronunciation of words like "red" and "car." However, in the Northeast, where the "r" is softer, Brazilians may struggle articulating these sounds.
Another challenge is that, unlike Portuguese, English is not a phonetic language, and words are not pronounced exactly as they are written. Therefore, many Brazilians tend to replace the sound of the “th” in words like “think” and “this” with “f” or “d,” which can make it harder for natives to understand.
The word "world" poses another challenge due to its unique consonant combination, which can be difficult to pronounce for those accustomed to Brazilian Portuguese grammar. The mixture of consonants can make anyone’s tongue twist!
Mental (and Literal) Translation
Do you think in Brazilian Portuguese first and then translate to English? This habit, known as mental translation, is another common challenge among Brazilians learning the language, making conversations slow and leading to awkward expressions for native speakers.
And it’s not just that! Translating everything literally can also cause some confusion, as languages have very different grammatical structures and expressions. Sometimes, communication ends up feeling like a puzzle. For example, "beautiful house" doesn't directly translate to "bonita casa" in Portuguese.
Fear of Making Mistakes
For many Brazilians, learning English can be a journey full of insecurities and self-doubt. The fear of making mistakes and being judged turns the moment of conversation into a real challenge, leading to missed opportunities for communication.
Remember, the most important aspect of language learning is making yourself understood. Grammatical perfection and fluency will develop naturally through consistent practice and exposure to the language.
Different Verb Tenses and Phrasal Verbs
English grammar, particularly verb tenses, can be a real challenge for Brazilian learners. Although English has fewer tenses than Portuguese, it emphasizes continuous and perfect aspects that don't directly translate.
And let’s not forget about phrasal verbs! These can confuse any Brazilian, as they combine verbs with prepositions or adverbs that can completely change the meaning. For example, "look" (to look) can turn into "look up" (to search) or "look after" (to take care of).
Lack of Exposure to the Language
In Brazil, English is taught as a common subject, and many students only have contact with the language inside the classroom. This limited exposure and lack of practice in everyday situations hinder fluency.
The situation is even more challenging for those living in smaller towns, where opportunities for immersion, such as travel or interaction with native speakers, are fewer. Without these experiences, learning the language can become a slower process.
Fortunately, there are many ways to integrate English into your daily life! This article in Brazilian Portuguese shares some useful tips on how to become fluent in English effectively and enjoyably.
Lack of Time and/or Resources
Balancing an English study routine with countless daily responsibilities can seem like an impossible mission. Between work, school, family, and other commitments, finding time to dedicate to language practice can be difficult.
Moreover, not everyone has access to quality learning resources. This reality not only slows down progress but also diminishes motivation.
Vocabulary Memorization and False Cognates
What Brazilian hasn’t stumbled while using an English word, thinking they were nailing it, only to later discover it meant something completely different? False cognates are traps that can leave anyone in an embarrassing situation. Although they sound familiar, these words can mean something different. A classic example is “actually,” which means “in fact” and not “atualmente” (currently).
And to top it off, memorizing new vocabulary can also be overwhelming! It's common to feel like you're constantly forgetting words as you learn new ones. This can happen when you try to process too much information at once.
Excessive Grammar Rules
Grammar rules, such as verb conjugations and agreement, are the main focus of English classes in Brazil. This rigid focus can create fear of making mistakes, often reducing students' confidence when speaking and leaving conversations feeling stuck.
As a result, instead of enjoying the conversation and the opportunity to talk with a native speaker, students may spend time overthinking if they are saying everything correctly, losing spontaneity in interactions.
Lack of Speaking Practice
Another challenge for Brazilian English learners is the limited opportunity to practice speaking with native speakers or other learners. This lack of practice can make the learning process feel isolating.
Furthermore, without the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned, many feel that their conversational skills don’t evolve as they’d like. This can lead to insecurity and demotivation, creating a cycle of theoretical learning without practical improvement.
Best Ways to Learn English as a Brazilian
As you can see, Brazilians face many challenges in mastering English. Despite the challenges, learning English can be enjoyable and rewarding. Here are some effective strategies to help you master the language:
- Listen to music and watch videos: Learn the lyrics of your favorite English songs and pay attention to pronunciation. Watching series, movies, and YouTube videos with English subtitles are also good resources.
- Embrace mistakes: See mistakes as a natural part of learning and an opportunity for growth. Try participating more in your English classes.
- Set fixed study times: Set aside time daily or weekly to focus on English. Doing exercises or taking classes for 15 to 30 minutes can improve your fluency.
- Apply English in everyday life: Instead of focusing only on grammar, use English in everyday situations, such as writing shopping lists, making notes in your planner, or talking with friends.
- Create a study group: Practicing with friends or classmates can be motivating and enjoyable.
- Find a language partner: Practice speaking with a native English speaker or another learner.
- Utilize language learning resources: Explore apps, websites, and online courses designed to help you learn English.
By following these tips and maintaining a positive attitude, you can overcome the challenges of learning English and achieve fluency. Remember, progress takes time and consistent effort.
Do Brazilians Speak English? They Do with Promova
Despite the challenges, learning English can be easier than you think, especially with the help of effective tools. The Promova app is a complete solution that brings together all the resources you need to master the language, as well as offering support for learning other languages.
Available on both iOS and Android, Promova can be downloaded directly from Google Play or the App Store. The app features expert-created content designed to help you learn English effectively.
With just a few minutes of daily practice, you can quickly assimilate the most important aspects of the language in a relaxed and enjoyable way. Start using the Promova app today and watch your English fluency improve!
Learning English as a Brazilian can come with its challenges, like pronunciation and insecurity when speaking. But it's important to remember that every obstacle is an opportunity for growth. With practice, immersion, and a willingness to make mistakes, you can overcome these challenges and achieve fluency. While pronunciation and speaking insecurities may be common, persistence and dedication can lead to significant improvement. The journey may be full of ups and downs, but communicating in English will open many doors and provide incredible experiences.