Do vs Due
What’s the difference between them?

Do is an auxiliary verb used to form the progressive and emphasize the main verb. It can also be used as a noun meaning 'an act or task'.
1. Do your best and everything will work out in the end.
2. Do you want to go to the movies later?
3. I'm going to do it even if no one believes I can.
Due (noun) regular payable membership; due (adj) something that is expected.
1. The rent payment is due on the first of the month.
2. She is due to arrive home from her vacation in a few days.
3. We are due for a break after working for hours straight.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Execute
2. Accomplish
3. Fulfill
4. Carry out
5. Take action
1. Don't
2. Refrain
3. Abstain
4. Avoid
5. Cease
1. Pay
2. Settle
3. Tender
4. Plunk down
5. Disburse
6. Discharge
7. Make good
8. Meet one's obligation
9. Fork over
10. Take care of
1. Accept
2. Reject
3. Negative
4. Deny
5. Refuse
6. Discourage
7. Resist
8. Dissuade
9. Reject outright
10. Discard
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Do", "Due".

1. 'Do' is a verb, meaning to perform an action.
2. 'Due' is an adjective, meaning owed or expected at a certain time.
3. A useful mnemonic phrase for remembering the difference between these words is: 'Do the chore that is due.'
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Frequently asked questions
When should the word 'Do' be used?
The word 'Do' is used as an auxiliary verb to form various tenses, questions, and negatives. It is also used to express an action, command, or request. For example, 'Do your homework.'
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'Due'?
The word 'Due' is used as an adjective to describe something that is owed or required. For example, 'The rent is due on the first of the month.'
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the words 'Do' and 'Due' have different pronunciations. 'Do' is pronounced like 'doo' while 'Due' is pronounced like 'dew.'
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake is confusing the use of 'Do' and 'Due' in a sentence. 'Do' is used as an auxiliary verb while 'Due' is used as an adjective. Another common mistake is mispronouncing the two words. Remember, 'Do' is pronounced like 'doo' and 'Due' is pronounced like 'dew.'
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. Im not sure when I have to ____ the assignment.
2. The report is ____ by the end of the week.
3. Weve been asked to ____ the task as soon as possible.
4. Shes been ____ the same project for weeks.
5. Can you ____ it by tomorrow?
6. Its almost ____ for him to finish the project.
1. Im not sure when I have to do the assignment.
Explanation: The word do is used here because it means to perform an action or task.
2. The report is due by the end of the week.
Explanation: The word due is used here because it means something that is expected to be completed or handed in at a certain time.
3. Weve been asked to do the task as soon as possible.
Explanation: The word do is used here because it means to perform an action or task.
4. Shes been due the same project for weeks.
Explanation: The word doing is used here because it means to be in the process of performing an action.
5. Can you do it by tomorrow?
Explanation: The word do is used here because it means to perform an action or task.
6. Its almost due for him to finish the project.
Explanation: The word due is used here because it means something that is expected to be completed or handed in at a certain time.
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