Through vs Thorough
What’s the difference between them?

(preposition) From one side or end of (something) to the other; in and out of; across or along the length of; past; by means of; in spite of; completed in; over the period of.
1. We drove through the night to reach our destination.
2. I read through the documents before signing them.
3. We hiked through the woods to reach the waterfall.
Complete, thorough, and exhaustive; meticulous; done with great care and precision.
1. I completed a thorough inspection of the building before signing the lease.
2. I performed a thorough review of the report before submitting it to management.
3. I conducted a thorough search of the area, but couldn't find what I was looking for.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. By means of
2. Over
3. Across
4. Utilizing
5. By utilizing
1. Apart
2. Away
3. Backward
4. Over
5. Opposite direction
1. Extensive
2. Meticulous
3. Exhaustive
4. Comprehensive
5. Leave No Stone Unturned
1. Superficial
2. Incomplete
3. Negligent
4. Perfunctory
5. Half-hearted
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Through", "Thorough".

1. Remember that 'through' is spelled with an 'ough,' whereas 'thorough' is spelled with an 'orou.'
2. 'Through' can be used to describe a physical movement, such as going through a doorway or tunnel. 'Thorough' refers to a mental attitude or level of care.
3. Practical tip: To distinguish between the two words, test your sentence with 'careful' or 'carefully.' If the word fits, use 'thorough.'
4. Mnemonic phrase: 'Go Through, but be Thorough.'
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Frequently asked questions
When should the word 'through' be used?
Through should be used when discussing movement from one side or end of something to the other, in and out of, across or along the length of, past, by means of, in spite of, completed in, or over the period of.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'thorough'?
The word thorough should be used to describe something that is complete, exhaustive, and meticulous, and done with great care and precision.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the two words do not share the same pronunciation. Through is pronounced 'throo' while thorough is pronounced 'thuh-roh'.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake is confusing the two words due to their similar spellings. Another mistake is mispronouncing them. It is important to remember that through is pronounced 'throo' and thorough is pronounced 'thuh-roh'.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. She conducted a __ search of the entire house before she found the missing item.
2. He was __ in his work and it showed in the final product.
3. We had to __ examine the documents to make sure nothing was missed.
4. She drove __ the city looking for the address.
5. She read the document _____ to ensure she understood every detail.
6. The train travels _____ the tunnel to reach the other side of the mountain.
1. She conducted a thorough search of the entire house before she found the missing item.
Explanation: The word thorough means to do something in great detail or with great care, which is what the person in the sentence is doing when searching for the missing item.
2. He was thorough in his work and it showed in the final product.
Explanation: The word thorough implies doing something carefully and accurately, which perfectly describes the quality of work that the person in the sentence is doing.
3. We had to thoroughly examine the documents to make sure nothing was missed.
Explanation: The word thoroughly means to do something with great attention to detail, which is exactly what the group in the sentence is doing when they examine the documents.
4. She drove through the city looking for the address.
Explanation: The word through means to pass or move in a straight line in a given direction, which is what the person in the sentence is doing when they drive through the city.
5. She read the document thorough to ensure she understood every detail.
Explanation: In this context, the sentence is talking about reading the document in a detailed and complete manner. Thorough means done completely without neglecting any details.
6. The train travels through the tunnel to reach the other side of the mountain.
Explanation: The sentence describes the trains movement from one end of the tunnel to the other. Through is a preposition that indicates movement from one side to the other side of something.
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