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For Carrie Bradshaw: Basic French Phrases for Beginners

Ellison Clapton5 min
Created: Dec 25, 2024Last updated: Jan 13, 2025
Basic French Phrases
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French is one of the world's top five most studied languages​, so many people know basic French phrases. This is partly due to tourism and interest in the local culture. This language is official in France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Monaco, which are excellent options for holidays all year round. We have compiled a top list of essential phrases to help you start learning French!

Basic French Phrases for Travel

Traveling is one of the main reasons why tourists start learning a new language. It will help you navigate faster and get help. We have compiled a top list of the most useful phrases for every traveler:

Bonsoirbohn-swahrGood evening
Au revoiroh ruh-vwahrGoodbye
Mercimehr-seeThank you
S'il vous plaîtseel voo playPlease (formal)
Où est… ?oo ay…?Where is… ?
Pouvez-vous m'aider ?poo-vay voo meh-dayCan you help me?
L'addition, s'il vous plaîtlah-dee-syon seel voo playThe check, please
Je voudrais…zhuh voo-drayI would like…
Combien ça coûte ?kohm-byen sah kootHow much does it cost?
Parlez-vous anglais ?par-lay voo ahn-glayDo you speak English?
Je ne comprends paszhuh nuh kohm-prah pahI don't understand
Appelez la police !ah-puh-lay lah poh-leesCall the police!
J'ai besoin d'un médecinzhay buh-zwan dun mayd-sahnI need a doctor
Aidez-moi, s'il vous plaîtay-day mwah seel voo playHelp me, please!
Oui / Nonwee / nohnYes / No

There is an opinion that the French are skeptical of English-speaking tourists – let's remember a fragment from Modern Family. Of course, the residents of Paris, Nice, and other tourist cities are friendly to new faces and are happy to meet tourists in their native country. However, knowing French basic phrases will be a gesture of respect that the locals will appreciate.


Guide to Basic French Pronunciation: Phrases and Words

Okay, we've figured out the basic phrases. But what if you learn new words from a menu, an ad, or a conversation with the locals? How to pronounce them without sounding like Joey Tribbiani?

You've probably noticed the "illogicality" of the pronunciation of some words. For example, in "Bordeaux," the last three letters sound like "o." French has many rules depending on the level of the language. But if you are a beginner, a few basic concepts will be enough to help you navigate the basic French phrases with pronunciation:

Silent final lettersMany words have silent final letters, especially -e, -s, -t, -d, -x.petit (small), vous (you)puh-tee, voo
Nasal soundsVowels followed by "m" or "n" produce a nasal sound.bon (good), pain (bread)bohn, pahn
The French "R"Pronounced at the back of the throat, like a soft gargle.rue (street), merci (thank you)roo, mehr-see
"é" vs. "è""é" is a closed "ay" sound; "è" is an open "eh" sound.école (school), très (very)ay-kohl, treh
LiaisonThe final consonant of one word is pronounced when the next word begins with a vowel.les amis (the friends)lay zah-mee
"C" and "G" soft and hard sounds"C" is soft like "s" before "e," "i," "y" but hard like "k" elsewhere. "G" is soft like "zh" before "e," "i," "y" but hard elsewhere.cinéma (cinema), garçon (boy)see-nay-mah, gahr-sohn
Vowel combinations (diphthongs)Certain vowel combinations produce unique sounds.eau (water), oui (yes)oh, wee
"H" is silentThe letter "h" is not pronounced but affects liaison.hôtel (hotel), homme (man)oh-tehl, ohm

What tips will be the most effective? Listen more! Rewatch your favorite TV shows in French with subtitles, and try reading new words out loud. Many terms, slang, and greetings are similar to English, so you can adapt faster.

Expanding Your Vocabulary: Basic French Words and Phrases

Great, the second step for your French has been taken! What's next? Let's expand your horizons with new phrases that will be also useful in trips:

  • Où sont les toilettes ? (oo sohn lay twah-let) – Where are the restrooms?
  • Quelle heure est-il ? (kel uhr ay-teel) – What time is it?
  • Pouvez-vous répéter, s'il vous plaît ? (poo-vay voo ray-pay-tay seel voo play) – Can you repeat, please?
  • Je parle un peu français. (zhuh parl uh puh frahn-say) – I speak a little French.
  • À tout à l'heure. (ah toot ah luhr) – See you later.
  • Où est l'arrêt de bus ? (oo ay lah-ray duh boos) – Where is the bus stop?
  • C'est délicieux ! (say day-lee-syuh) – It's delicious!
  • Je ne comprends pas. (zhuh nuh kohm-prah pah) – I don't understand.
  • Comment dit-on… en français ? (koh-mohn dee-tawn… ahn frahn-say) – How do you say… in French?

These phrases will help you build a dialogue, develop speaking skills, and correct pronunciation. Practice with friends or French speakers informally to improve your spelling and confidence.

Learn More About French With Promova

We know that starting to learn is always the most complicated stage. Will you be able to add learning a new language to your schedule, or will you not be able to succeed? But do not worry, Promova will help you! This is a one-stop solution for language enthusiasts that will expand your opportunities:

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In addition to French, Promova offers more than ten languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, and others. Start your language journey today and learn more about your favorite language daily!

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Why has French grown so popular?

French has been famous at different times, depending on trends and cultural influences. Today, many people learn it out of interest, for tourism, and because the language is attractive.

Is French easy to learn?

It's individual. However, French is not much more complicated than English: despite gender nouns and unique phonetics, English speakers find it much more manageable.

How many tourists come to France each year?

In 2023, France attracted more than 100 million tourists and topped the world list of the most visited countries.

Why should a tourist learn French?

This language and basic phrases in French will become your faithful assistant even if you are not going to France. Many Europeans study it at school along with their native language and understand it well.
