Ageing vs Aging
What’s the difference between them?

Ageing is the process of becoming older, typically referring to the changes in a person over time, including physical, psychological, and social changes.
1. Ageing is a natural part of life which cannot be avoided.
2. The ageing population is creating new challenges for healthcare systems around the world.
3. Scientists are looking for ways to slow the ageing process in order to increase lifespans.
Meaning is the same, but such spelling is mostly used in American English.
1. Her aging face is slowly wrinkling with age.
2. The aging population is increasing rapidly.
3. Aging gracefully is something we should all strive to do.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Ageing", "Aging".

1. Ageing is the British English spelling of the verb.
2. Aging is the American English spelling of the verb.
3. Remember that in American English spelling is usually simplified.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word?
The first word ‘Ageing’ is a more British term used when referring to people or things that are growing older. It is more commonly used in formal contexts and is usually seen in the context of ‘ageing population’, for example.
When to use the second word?
The second word ‘Aging’ is the American spelling of the same word and is used when referring to people or things that are growing older. It is more commonly used in informal contexts, such as in the phrase ‘anti-aging cream’, for example.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
Yes, they are pronounced the same. The word is pronounced as ‘ay-jing’, with the ‘a’ like the ‘a’ in ‘apple’, the ‘e’ like the ‘e’ in ‘egg’, and the ‘g’ like the ‘g’ in ‘giraffe’.
What are common mistakes associated with words 'Ageing', 'Aging'?
The most common mistake associated with these words is spelling them incorrectly. People may spell 'Ageing' as 'Aging' or 'Aging' as 'Ageing', depending on the context. Additionally, some people may spell them both with an ‘e’ at the end, such as ‘Ageinge’ or ‘Aginge’. It is important to remember that 'Ageing' is the British spelling and 'Aging' is the American spelling.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The wine has been ___ in oak barrels.
2. In the UK, there are many products aimed at anti-___.
3. He is writing a research paper on the ___ population in the United States.
4. As we grow older, the process of ___ is inevitable.
5. The documentary on BBC discussed the effects of ___ on the human brain.
6. While watching American movies, you might notice the topic of ___ discussed frequently.
1. aging/ageing
Explanation: Both American and British spellings can be used here because theres no specific clue about which one to choose.
2. ageing
Explanation: The clue UK indicates British English, where ageing is the preferred spelling.
3. aging
Explanation: The mention of United States provides a hint that American English is appropriate. In American English, aging is the accepted spelling.
4. aging/ageing
Explanation: Theres no specific regional clue in the sentence, so both spellings are acceptable.
5. ageing
Explanation: BBC is a British broadcasting corporation, indicating that British English is suitable for this context. The British spelling is ageing.
6. aging
Explanation: The clue American movies suggests that American English should be used. In the U.S., aging is the standard spelling.
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