Recur vs Reoccur
What’s the difference between them?

To happen or appear again.
1. The same problem kept recurring every day.
2. The family held a recurring Sunday dinner.
3. She was surprised to find that the nightmare had recurred.
Meaning is the same.
1. Her back pain has been reoccurring more frequently lately.
2. The power outage seemed to reoccur at least once a month.
3. He was worried that the nightmares might reoccur in his sleep.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Reprise
2. Repeat
3. Reoccur
4. Reappear
5. Return
1. Cease
2. Terminate
3. End
4. Abstain
5. Never Again
1. Reprise
2. Repeat
3. Reoccur
4. Reappear
5. Return
1. Cease
2. Discontinue
3. Terminate
4. Conclude
5. One-time occurrence
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Recur", "Reoccur".

1. Both spellings are correct, so you may use both words without a doubt.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
'Recur' should be used when referring to an event that repeats itself in a regular pattern. For example, a bank account may recur on a monthly or yearly basis.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
'Reoccur' meaning is the same as 'recur'. It should be used when referring to an event that repeats itself in a regular pattern.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, these two words do not share the same pronunciation. 'Recur' is pronounced \ri-ˈkyər\ and 'Reoccur' is pronounced \ri-ə-ˈkər\.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
Since these words share the same meaning and are both treated as correct, there aren't any mistakes regarding their usage.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The flooding has been __________ in this region for the past three years.
2. We have been discussing this issue for months, but it still __________.
3. The exams are __________ at the end of each school year.
4. The arguments __________ every time we get together.
5. The problem has __________ since we last addressed it.
6. He keeps __________ to the same bad habits despite our warnings.
1. Recur
Explanation: The verb recur means to occur repeatedly or periodically. This sentence is referring to the flooding happening for the past three years, which is a repetitive and periodic occurrence, thus the word recur is the correct choice.
2. Reoccur
Explanation: The verb reoccur means to happen or appear again, which in this context means that the issue is continuing to come up. Thus, the word reoccur is the correct choice.
3. Recur
Explanation: The verb recur means to occur repeatedly or periodically. This sentence is referring to the exams that happen at the end of each school year, which is a repetitive and periodic occurrence, thus the word recur is the correct choice.
4. Recur
Explanation: The verb recur means to occur repeatedly or periodically. This sentence is referring to the arguments that keep arising whenever the group gets together, which is a repetitive and periodic occurrence, thus the word recur is the correct choice.
5. Reoccur
Explanation: The verb reoccur means to happen or appear again, which in this context means that the problem has come back. Thus, the word reoccur is the correct choice.
6. Recur
Explanation: The verb recur means to occur repeatedly or periodically. This sentence is referring to the bad habits that the individual keeps repeating, which is a repetitive and periodic occurrence, thus the word recur is the correct choice.
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