Here vs Hear
What’s the difference between them?

Here is an adverb that is used to indicate the place or position where someone or something is located.
1. Here is the package you requested.
2. Here comes the bus!
3. Here, take my hand and we'll go together.
Hear: to perceive or become aware of a sound with the ears; listen.
1. I could hear the birds chirping outside my window.
2. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Could you repeat that?
3. Please hear me out before you make your decision.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. hither
2. present
3. this point
4. nowadays
5. current
Absent, Depart, Leave, Stay, Remain
1. Listen
2. Perceive
3. Discern
4. Take heed
5. Pay attention
1. Ignore
2. Mute
3. Keep Quiet
4. Be Silent
5. Refrain from Listening
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Here", "Hear".

1. Remember that the word 'here' always has an 'e' in it, while the word 'hear' always has an 'ea' in it.
2. Think of the phrase 'listen and hear' to help you remember that 'hear' is associated with listening.
3. Think of the phrase 'come over here' to help you remember that 'here' is associated with location.
4. If you are unsure of which word to use in a sentence, ask yourself if you are talking about a location or listening to a sound.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the word 'here' be used?
'Here' should be used when referring to a place or position that is close by—for example, when pointing at something, when giving directions, or when referring to the present moment in time. It can also be used to introduce a new topic in a sentence, or as a request for someone's attention.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'hear'?
'Hear' should be used when describing the perception of a sound with the ears—for example, when someone is listening to music, a lecture, or a conversation. It can also be used to indicate that someone has been told about something, or that a rumor or report has been heard.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, these words have similar pronunciation, so you have pay attention to the context to use the correct word.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake is mixing up the two words when writing. Another common mistake is using 'here' when the appropriate word is 'hear'—for example, 'I over here you' rather than 'I heard you'. Additionally, many people confuse 'hear' with the word 'listen', which is used to indicate paying attention to someone or something.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. I could ___ the sound of the birds singing outside my window.
2. Please ___ me out, Im trying to make an important point.
3. The students could ___ their teachers voice from the other side of the building.
4. Look ___, the bus is arriving!
5. She ___d a loud crash coming from the kitchen.
6. We ___d the thunder in the distance.
1. Hear
Explanation: The word hear is being used to describe the action of perceiving and understanding sounds using the ears.
2. Hear
Explanation: The word hear is being used to ask someone to pay attention and to understand what is being said.
3. Hear
Explanation: The word hear is being used to describe the action of perceiving and understanding sounds using the ears.
4. Here
Explanation: The word here is being used to express the idea that something is arriving at the present moment or at a close distance.
5. Heard
Explanation: The word heard is being used to describe the action of perceiving and understanding sounds using the ears in the past tense.
6. Heard
Explanation: The word heard is being used to describe the action of perceiving and understanding sounds using the ears in the past tense.
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