Sneaked vs Snuck
What’s the difference between them?

past tense of 'sneak'; to move, act, or go in a furtive, stealthy, or clandestine manner; creep.
1. She sneaked out of the house after her parents went to bed.
2. Jim sneaked a quick glance at the test before the teacher came in.
3. The cat sneaked up on the unsuspecting mouse.
alternative spelling for the past tense of 'sneak'.
1. I snuck out of the house early in the morning without anyone noticing.
2. He snuck into the movie theater without paying for a ticket.
3. She snuck a piece of candy from the jar without asking permission.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Crept
2. Slipped
3. Slinked
4. Slunk
5. Tiptoed stealthily
1. Appeared
2. Emerged
3. Visible
4. Openly Walked
5. Came Out in the Open
1. Crept
2. Slipped
3. Sneaked
4. Slinked
5. Skulked
1. Emerged
2. Came out
3. Emerged quietly
4. Appeared
5. Exited stealthily
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Sneaked", "Snuck".

1. 'Sneaked' is the traditional past tense of the verb 'sneak' in British English.
2. 'Snuck' is the common past tense of the verb 'sneak' in American English.
3. To remember the difference between 'sneaked' and 'snuck,' try to remember the phrase 'Sneak-ed in British, Snuck in American.'
4. If you are unsure of the spelling of 'sneak' in the past tense, simply look up the spelling of the past tense in a dictionary according to the English variation you are using.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the 'sneak' be used?
The word 'sneak' should be used when describing the act of moving, acting, or going in a furtive, stealthy, or clandestine manner. It can also be used to describe a person who does this.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'snuck'?
The word 'snuck' is an alternative spelling of the past tense of 'sneak', which is typically used in informal contexts.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, sneaked is pronounced /snikd/, while snuck is pronounced /snʌk/.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake people make when using these two words is using 'snuck' in formal contexts. 'Sneaked' is generally preferred for formal writing. Another common mistake is confusing 'snuck' with 'sneaked', as they are considered to be the same word.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. I ____ out of the house without telling my parents.
2. The cat ____ through the cat flap.
3. He ____ around the corner to avoid detection.
4. They ____ away without being seen.
5. She ____ into the party without an invitation.
6. We ____ out of the room without making a sound.
1. I snuck out of the house without telling my parents.
Explanation: Snuck is the past tense of sneak, and is usually used in informal contexts.
2. The cat snuck through the cat flap.
Explanation: Snuck is the past tense of sneak, and is usually used in informal contexts.
3. He snuck around the corner to avoid detection.
Explanation: Snuck is the past tense of sneak, and is usually used in informal contexts.
4. They snuck away without being seen.
Explanation: Snuck is the past tense of sneak, and is usually used in informal contexts.
5. She sneaked into the party without an invitation.
Explanation: Sneaked is the past tense of sneak, and is usually used in formal contexts.
6. We snuck out of the room without making a sound.
Explanation: Snuck is the past tense of sneak, and is usually used in informal contexts.
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