Bond past tense

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Meaning of bond

to join or be joined securely to something else, typically by means of an adhesive substance, heat, or pressure.


Word: bond /bɒnd/
  • 1. The chemical reaction causes atoms to bond tightly together, forming a stable compound.
  • 2. In their early years, siblings often bond over shared experiences and adventures.
  • 3. To bond with her new classmates, she decided to join the school's soccer team.

Past Simple

Word: bonded /ˈbɒndɪd/
  • 1. We bonded over our shared love of hiking during that trip last year.
  • 2. They bonded quickly after discovering their mutual interest in classic literature.
  • 3. He bonded with the new puppy immediately, feeling a strong connection from the moment they met.

Past Participle

Word: bonded /ˈbɒndɪd/
  • 1. Over the summer, the siblings had bonded during their road trip across the country, creating lasting memories and strengthening their relationship.
  • 2. Throughout their time at the retreat, the team had bonded through shared experiences and challenges, fostering a sense of camaraderie.
  • 3. After volunteering together for months, the group had bonded over their shared commitment to serving the community, forming deep friendships in the process.

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Bare infinitive

  1. Habitual actions or routines.
    Example. I bond with my family every Sunday.
  2. General truths or facts.
    Example. Water bonds with oil only under certain conditions.
  3. Fixed arrangements, sometimes in the future.
    Example. Our team bonds over lunch meetings.

Past Simple

  1. Completed actions at a specific time in the past.
    Example. We bonded over a project last summer.
  2. Series of completed actions in the past.
    Example. We met, bonded, and decided to start a business together.
  3. Habit in the past.
    Example. They bonded every weekend during their college years.

Past Participle

  1. Perfect tenses.
  2. Present Perfect. For actions that happened at an unspecified time before now or actions that started in the past and continue in the present.
    Example. We have bonded over many challenges this year.
  3. Past Perfect. For actions that were completed before another action or time in the past.
    Example. Before the company expanded, we had already bonded as a tightknit team.
  4. Future Perfect. For actions that will have been completed by a certain future time.
    Example. By next month, we will have bonded over several teambuilding activities.
  5. Passive voice. To describe when the subject of the sentence is acted on by the verb.
    Example. A strong team spirit was bonded through years of working together.

Common mistakes

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Incorrect Use of Past Simple

A common mistake is Confusing forms of the word 'bond.' The past simple form is 'bonded,' used to describe an action that happened at a specific time in the past. In contrast, the past participle form, also 'bonded,' is used in perfect tenses and passive voice constructions. For example, mixing these forms leads to errors like 'He has bond with his team' instead of the correct 'He has bonded with his team.'

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Omitting the -ed

Another frequent error is Omitting the -ed form when it is required for perfect tenses and passive voice. This mistake can lead to sentences that sound incorrect or are confusing because they do not clearly indicate the action's completion. An incorrect example would be 'They have bond over common interests' instead of the correct 'They have bonded over common interests.'

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Misusing Base Form

Some may mistakenly use the base form 'bond' instead of the correct past simple or past participle form 'bonded' in sentences that require a specific tense. This error can change the intended meaning or make the sentence grammatically incorrect. For instance, saying 'Yesterday, they bond over a meal' instead of the correct 'Yesterday, they bonded over a meal' fails to convey the action correctly in the past tense.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the past simple form of 'bond'?

The past simple form of 'bond' is 'bonded.' This form is used to describe actions that happened at a specific time in the past. For example, 'We bonded over our love for music last year.'

What is the past participle form of 'bond'?

The past participle form of 'bond' is also 'bonded.' This form is used in perfect tenses and the passive voice. For example, in the sentence 'They have bonded over their shared interests,' 'bonded' is used as the past participle in the present perfect tense.

Can you give an example of 'bonded' used in a sentence in the past perfect tense?

Yes. In the past perfect tense, 'bonded' is used to talk about something that happened before another action in the past. For example, 'By the time the project ended, the team had bonded well.' Here, 'had bonded' indicates that the bonding occurred before the project ended.

How do you use 'bonded' in the passive voice?

In the passive voice, 'bonded' is used to indicate that the subject of the sentence is the recipient of the action. For example, 'The new team members were bonded through several team-building exercises.' In this sentence, 'were bonded' indicates that the team members are the ones who experienced the action of bonding, which was facilitated by the team-building exercises.