Ensure past tense

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Meaning of ensure

to make certain that something will occur or be the case.


Word: ensure /ɛnˈʃʊər/
  • 1. We always ensure that all our products meet the highest quality standards before they leave the factory.
  • 2. Teachers ensure that students understand the material before moving on to the next topic.
  • 3. Airlines ensure the safety of their passengers by following strict security procedures.

Past Simple

Word: ensured /ɛnˈʃʊrd/
  • 1. I ensured all the doors were locked before we left for the vacation.
  • 2. The teacher ensured that every student understood the assignment before moving on to the next topic.
  • 3. They ensured their pets were well-cared for while they were away.

Past Participle

Word: ensured /ɪnˈʃʊərd/
  • 1. The safety measures were ensured by the team before commencing the project.
  • 2. The success of the event had been ensured by careful planning and coordination.
  • 3. The security of the documents has been ensured by using encrypted storage solutions.

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Bare infinitive

  1. General Truths or Facts
    Example. 'This rule ensures fair play among the participants.'
    Example. 'She always ensures that her homework is done before dinner.'
    Example. 'Our policy ensures safety measures are in place before the event starts.'
    Example. 'Ensure the door is locked before leaving the house.'
  2. Use when stating something that is universally true or a fact.
    Example. 'This rule ensures fair play among the participants.'
    Example. 'She always ensures that her homework is done before dinner.'
    Example. 'Our policy ensures safety measures are in place before the event starts.'
    Example. 'Ensure the door is locked before leaving the house.'
  3. Habitual Actions
    Example. 'This rule ensures fair play among the participants.'
    Example. 'She always ensures that her homework is done before dinner.'
    Example. 'Our policy ensures safety measures are in place before the event starts.'
    Example. 'Ensure the door is locked before leaving the house.'
  4. Use for actions that happen regularly or are part of a routine.
    Example. 'This rule ensures fair play among the participants.'
    Example. 'She always ensures that her homework is done before dinner.'
    Example. 'Our policy ensures safety measures are in place before the event starts.'
    Example. 'Ensure the door is locked before leaving the house.'
  5. Fixed Arrangements
    Example. 'This rule ensures fair play among the participants.'
    Example. 'She always ensures that her homework is done before dinner.'
    Example. 'Our policy ensures safety measures are in place before the event starts.'
    Example. 'Ensure the door is locked before leaving the house.'
  6. Use for scheduled events or arrangements that are fixed and not likely to change.
    Example. 'This rule ensures fair play among the participants.'
    Example. 'She always ensures that her homework is done before dinner.'
    Example. 'Our policy ensures safety measures are in place before the event starts.'
    Example. 'Ensure the door is locked before leaving the house.'
  7. Instructions or Directions
    Example. 'This rule ensures fair play among the participants.'
    Example. 'She always ensures that her homework is done before dinner.'
    Example. 'Our policy ensures safety measures are in place before the event starts.'
    Example. 'Ensure the door is locked before leaving the house.'
  8. Use when providing instructions or directions to someone.
    Example. 'This rule ensures fair play among the participants.'
    Example. 'She always ensures that her homework is done before dinner.'
    Example. 'Our policy ensures safety measures are in place before the event starts.'
    Example. 'Ensure the door is locked before leaving the house.'

Past Simple

  1. Completed Actions in the Past
    Example. 'He ensured that all the windows were closed before the storm hit.'
    Example. 'When she was a student, she ensured she studied at least two hours every day.'
    Example. 'The team ensured they completed the project, then they celebrated their success.'
  2. Use for actions that were completed at a specific time in the past.
    Example. 'He ensured that all the windows were closed before the storm hit.'
    Example. 'When she was a student, she ensured she studied at least two hours every day.'
    Example. 'The team ensured they completed the project, then they celebrated their success.'
  3. Past Habits
    Example. 'He ensured that all the windows were closed before the storm hit.'
    Example. 'When she was a student, she ensured she studied at least two hours every day.'
    Example. 'The team ensured they completed the project, then they celebrated their success.'
  4. Use for actions that were regular in the past but no longer happen.
    Example. 'He ensured that all the windows were closed before the storm hit.'
    Example. 'When she was a student, she ensured she studied at least two hours every day.'
    Example. 'The team ensured they completed the project, then they celebrated their success.'
  5. Sequential Actions in the Past
    Example. 'He ensured that all the windows were closed before the storm hit.'
    Example. 'When she was a student, she ensured she studied at least two hours every day.'
    Example. 'The team ensured they completed the project, then they celebrated their success.'
  6. Use when narrating events that happened one after another in the past.
    Example. 'He ensured that all the windows were closed before the storm hit.'
    Example. 'When she was a student, she ensured she studied at least two hours every day.'
    Example. 'The team ensured they completed the project, then they celebrated their success.'

Past Participle

  1. Perfect Tenses
    Example. 'I have ensured that all documents are submitted correctly.'
    Example. 'By the time the meeting started, the committee had ensured that all members were present.'
    Example. 'By next week, we will have ensured the project's success.'
    Example. 'Safety measures are ensured by the new protocols.'
    Example. 'If you had ensured proper communication, this misunderstanding could have been avoided.'
  2. Present Perfect. Use when an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important.
    Example. 'I have ensured that all documents are submitted correctly.'
    Example. 'By the time the meeting started, the committee had ensured that all members were present.'
    Example. 'By next week, we will have ensured the project's success.'
    Example. 'Safety measures are ensured by the new protocols.'
    Example. 'If you had ensured proper communication, this misunderstanding could have been avoided.'
  3. Past Perfect. Use for an action that happened before another action or time in the past.
    Example. 'I have ensured that all documents are submitted correctly.'
    Example. 'By the time the meeting started, the committee had ensured that all members were present.'
    Example. 'By next week, we will have ensured the project's success.'
    Example. 'Safety measures are ensured by the new protocols.'
    Example. 'If you had ensured proper communication, this misunderstanding could have been avoided.'
  4. Future Perfect. Use to say that something will be finished by a certain time in the future.
    Example. 'I have ensured that all documents are submitted correctly.'
    Example. 'By the time the meeting started, the committee had ensured that all members were present.'
    Example. 'By next week, we will have ensured the project's success.'
    Example. 'Safety measures are ensured by the new protocols.'
    Example. 'If you had ensured proper communication, this misunderstanding could have been avoided.'
  5. Passive Voice
    Example. 'I have ensured that all documents are submitted correctly.'
    Example. 'By the time the meeting started, the committee had ensured that all members were present.'
    Example. 'By next week, we will have ensured the project's success.'
    Example. 'Safety measures are ensured by the new protocols.'
    Example. 'If you had ensured proper communication, this misunderstanding could have been avoided.'
  6. Use when focusing on the action itself or when the subject of the action is unknown or irrelevant.
    Example. 'I have ensured that all documents are submitted correctly.'
    Example. 'By the time the meeting started, the committee had ensured that all members were present.'
    Example. 'By next week, we will have ensured the project's success.'
    Example. 'Safety measures are ensured by the new protocols.'
    Example. 'If you had ensured proper communication, this misunderstanding could have been avoided.'
  7. Conditional Sentences
    Example. 'I have ensured that all documents are submitted correctly.'
    Example. 'By the time the meeting started, the committee had ensured that all members were present.'
    Example. 'By next week, we will have ensured the project's success.'
    Example. 'Safety measures are ensured by the new protocols.'
    Example. 'If you had ensured proper communication, this misunderstanding could have been avoided.'
  8. Use in the conditional perfect to talk about conditions that were not met in the past.
    Example. 'I have ensured that all documents are submitted correctly.'
    Example. 'By the time the meeting started, the committee had ensured that all members were present.'
    Example. 'By next week, we will have ensured the project's success.'
    Example. 'Safety measures are ensured by the new protocols.'
    Example. 'If you had ensured proper communication, this misunderstanding could have been avoided.'

Common mistakes

— 01

Confusing 'ensured'

A common mistake is mixing up the past simple and past participle forms of 'ensure' with those of 'assure' and 'insure.' While 'ensured' is the correct past simple and past participle form of 'ensure' (meaning to make certain something will occur), 'assured' and 'insured' are the past forms of 'assure' (to make someone confident) and 'insure' (to cover with an insurance policy), respectively. Example of correct usage. 'He ensured the success of the project by planning meticulously.'

— 02

Incorrectly using 'ensured'

Some may mistakenly use 'ensured' in place of an adjective when describing a noun, not realizing that 'ensured' is strictly the past form of a verb. A correct approach involves rephrasing to maintain the verbal form or finding an appropriate adjective. For example, instead of saying 'the ensured safety,' which misuses 'ensured' as an adjective, one should say 'the ensured safety' or 'the guaranteed safety,' depending on the context, to maintain grammatical correctness.

— 03

Misusing the past participle

Another common mistake is using 'ensured' independently when it should be accompanied by an auxiliary verb in perfect tenses. For instance, in the present perfect tense, one should say, 'He has ensured compliance with the regulations,' not 'He ensured compliance with the regulations,' if referring to an action that has relevance to the present moment. The latter example incorrectly uses the simple past tense instead of the correct present perfect tense, which requires the auxiliary verb 'has' before 'ensured.'

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Frequently asked questions

What is the past simple form of 'ensure'?

The past simple form of the verb 'ensure' is 'ensured.' This form is used to describe an action that was completed in the past. For example, 'The manager ensured all employees understood the new policy.'

How is the past participle form of 'ensure' used?

The past participle form of 'ensure' is also 'ensured.' It is used in perfect tenses and passive voice constructions. For example, in the present perfect tense, you might say, 'We have ensured compliance with all regulations.' In a passive voice construction, you could say, 'Compliance with all regulations has been ensured by our team.'

Can you provide an example sentence using 'ensure' in the past simple tense?

Certainly! Here's an example. 'Yesterday, the teacher ensured that all students completed the test before leaving the classroom.' This sentence indicates that the action of ensuring was completed at a specific time in the past.

How can I correctly use 'ensured' in a sentence when describing a past event that has implications for the present?

In such cases, you would typically use the past participle form 'ensured' within a perfect tense construction to indicate the ongoing relevance or effect of the past action. For example, using the present perfect tense. 'The safety measures we implemented last year have ensured that no accidents have occurred since then.' This sentence suggests that the past action of ensuring safety has a direct connection to the present situation (i.e., the absence of accidents).