Recommend past tense

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Meaning of recommend

to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a particular purpose or job, or to advise a particular course of action.


Word: recommend /ˌrɛk.əˈmɛnd/
  • 1. He always recommends the best books to read over the summer.
  • 2. My doctor recommends drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  • 3. The travel guide recommends visiting the old town for its historic architecture.

Past Simple

Word: recommended /ˌrɛk.əˈmɛn.dɪd/
  • 1. She recommended a great book to me last week, and I couldn't put it down.
  • 2. The teacher recommended studying two hours a night for the best results.
  • 3. They recommended trying the new restaurant downtown, so we decided to check it out on Saturday.

Past Participle

Word: recommended /ˌrɛk.əˈmɛn.dɪd/
  • 1. The book has been highly recommended by several critics.
  • 2. The new restaurant was recommended to me by my friend.
  • 3. That movie had been widely recommended before it even released.

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Bare infinitive

  1. Habitual actions or routines.
    Example. I recommend trying the new coffee shop near the park; they serve amazing espresso.

Past Simple

  1. Actions completed at a specific time in the past.
    Example. I recommended that book to you last week; did you get a chance to read it?
  2. A series of completed actions in the past.
    Example. She recommended a great restaurant, we tried it, and it was fantastic.
  3. Habitual actions or routines in the past.
    Example. Every summer, we recommended different hiking trails to all our visitors.

Past Participle

  1. Perfect tenses forming the present perfect, past perfect, future perfect by combining with have/has/had.
    Example. Present Perfect. I have recommended that movie to all my friends.
    Example. Past Perfect. By the time the meeting started, the manager had already recommended a new strategy for the project.
    Example. Future Perfect. By next year, they will have recommended several candidates for the position.
  2. Passive voice describing an action done to the subject.
    Example. The book was highly recommended by all critics.
    Example. Past Perfect. By the time the meeting started, the manager had already recommended a new strategy for the project.
    Example. Future Perfect. By next year, they will have recommended several candidates for the position.
  3. As an adjective describing a state resulting from an action.
    Example. The recommended list of books for the course is available on the website
    Example. Past Perfect. By the time the meeting started, the manager had already recommended a new strategy for the project.
    Example. Future Perfect. By next year, they will have recommended several candidates for the position.

Common mistakes

— 01

Incorrect Regular Verb Conjugation

A common mistake is treating 'recommend' as a regular verb that would typically end in '-ed' for its past simple and past participle forms. However, 'recommend' is a regular verb, but it follows a pattern where the past simple and past participle forms are 'recommended.' The incorrect assumption might lead someone to use an incorrect form like 'recommmend' or 'recommened,' which are incorrect.

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Misuse in Passive Voice

When using 'recommend' in the passive voice, it's crucial to use the correct past participle form. The mistake often occurs when the past simple form is mistakenly used instead of the past participle in passive constructions. For example, the correct passive voice construction is 'He was recommended for the job,' not 'He was recommend for the job.'

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Confusing Forms

Since both the past simple and past participle forms of 'recommend' are 'recommended,' confusion might arise in their application within perfect tenses and passive voice constructions. The mistake lies in not recognizing that the same form 'recommended' should be consistently used across these grammatical structures. For instance, using 'has recommend' instead of the correct 'has recommended' in the present perfect tense is a common error stemming from this confusion.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the past simple form of 'recommend'?

The past simple form of 'recommend' is 'recommended.' This form is used to talk about actions or suggestions that happened at a specific time in the past. For example. 'I recommended that book to you last week.'

How is the past participle form of 'recommend' used?

The past participle form of 'recommend' is also 'recommended.' It is used in perfect tenses to talk about actions or suggestions that have relevance to the present or were completed at some unspecified time in the past. For example, in the present perfect tense. 'I have recommended that movie to several friends.' It is also used in passive voice constructions. 'That book was highly recommended by critics.'

Can you give an example sentence using 'recommended' in the past simple tense?

Certainly! Here is an example of a sentence using 'recommended' in the past simple tense. 'She recommended trying the new Italian restaurant downtown, and it was amazing.' This sentence indicates that the act of recommending took place at a specific point in the past.

How can 'recommended' be incorporated into a sentence using a perfect tense?

Here is an example using 'recommended' in the present perfect tense. 'They have always recommended using sunscreen to protect against harmful UV rays.' In this sentence, 'recommended' is used as part of the present perfect tense ('have recommended'), indicating that the action of recommending sunscreen has occurred in the past and is relevant to the present situation or continues up to the present.