Withdraw past tense

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Meaning of withdraw

to take back or remove oneself from a place, situation, or participation.


Word: withdraw /wɪðˈdrɔː/
  • 1. She always withdraws money from the ATM near our house.
  • 2. The bank allows customers to withdraw up to $500 per day.
  • 3. If you withdraw now, you might miss out on a great opportunity.

Past Simple

Word: withdrew /wɪðˈdruː/
  • 1. She withdrew $200 from her bank account yesterday to pay for her car repair.
  • 2. The company withdrew its offer when they found a more suitable candidate.
  • 3. After feeling unwell, he withdrew from the race halfway through.

Past Participle

Word: withdrawn /wɪðˈdrɔːn/
  • 1. The funds were withdrawn from the account yesterday.
  • 2. Her statement had been withdrawn by the time the meeting started.
  • 3. The proposal will be withdrawn if it does not meet the new guidelines.

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Bare infinitive

  1. Habitual actions or routines.
    Example. She withdraws $200 from her account every Monday for her weekly expenses.
    Example. The CEO withdraws himself from daily operations to focus on strategic planning.
  2. General truths or facts.
    Example. She withdraws $200 from her account every Monday for her weekly expenses.
    Example. The CEO withdraws himself from daily operations to focus on strategic planning.

Past Simple

  1. Actions completed at a definite time in the past.
    Example. He withdrew his application from the university yesterday.
    Example. She arrived at the ATM, withdrew some money, and then went grocery shopping last Saturday.
    Example. They always withdrew to their summer home in August when they were younger.
    Example. The company temporarily withdrew from the market last year due to regulatory issues.
  2. A series of completed actions in the past.
    Example. He withdrew his application from the university yesterday.
    Example. She arrived at the ATM, withdrew some money, and then went grocery shopping last Saturday.
    Example. They always withdrew to their summer home in August when they were younger.
    Example. The company temporarily withdrew from the market last year due to regulatory issues.
  3. Past habits.
    Example. He withdrew his application from the university yesterday.
    Example. She arrived at the ATM, withdrew some money, and then went grocery shopping last Saturday.
    Example. They always withdrew to their summer home in August when they were younger.
    Example. The company temporarily withdrew from the market last year due to regulatory issues.
  4. Past states or situations.
    Example. He withdrew his application from the university yesterday.
    Example. She arrived at the ATM, withdrew some money, and then went grocery shopping last Saturday.
    Example. They always withdrew to their summer home in August when they were younger.
    Example. The company temporarily withdrew from the market last year due to regulatory issues.

Past Participle

  1. Perfect tenses.
    Example. She had already withdrawn the funds when the bank called her for verification.
    Example. They have withdrawn their support for the charity following the scandal.
    Example. By next year, we will have withdrawn all our investments from fossil fuels.
    Example. The ambassador was withdrawn after the diplomatic incident.
    Example. He is withdrawn since his proposal was rejected by the committee.
  2. Past Perfect. For an action completed before another past action.
    Example. She had already withdrawn the funds when the bank called her for verification.
    Example. They have withdrawn their support for the charity following the scandal.
    Example. By next year, we will have withdrawn all our investments from fossil fuels.
    Example. The ambassador was withdrawn after the diplomatic incident.
    Example. He is withdrawn since his proposal was rejected by the committee.
  3. Present Perfect. For actions that occurred at an unspecified time in the past or actions that started in the past and continue to the present.
    Example. She had already withdrawn the funds when the bank called her for verification.
    Example. They have withdrawn their support for the charity following the scandal.
    Example. By next year, we will have withdrawn all our investments from fossil fuels.
    Example. The ambassador was withdrawn after the diplomatic incident.
    Example. He is withdrawn since his proposal was rejected by the committee.
  4. Future Perfect. For actions that will be completed by a certain point in the future.
    Example. She had already withdrawn the funds when the bank called her for verification.
    Example. They have withdrawn their support for the charity following the scandal.
    Example. By next year, we will have withdrawn all our investments from fossil fuels.
    Example. The ambassador was withdrawn after the diplomatic incident.
    Example. He is withdrawn since his proposal was rejected by the committee.
  5. Passive voice.
    Example. She had already withdrawn the funds when the bank called her for verification.
    Example. They have withdrawn their support for the charity following the scandal.
    Example. By next year, we will have withdrawn all our investments from fossil fuels.
    Example. The ambassador was withdrawn after the diplomatic incident.
    Example. He is withdrawn since his proposal was rejected by the committee.
  6. As an adjective to describe a state resulting from a past action.
    Example. She had already withdrawn the funds when the bank called her for verification.
    Example. They have withdrawn their support for the charity following the scandal.
    Example. By next year, we will have withdrawn all our investments from fossil fuels.
    Example. The ambassador was withdrawn after the diplomatic incident.
    Example. He is withdrawn since his proposal was rejected by the committee.

Common mistakes

— 01

Confusing forms

A common error is using the past simple form of the verb 'withdraw' when the past participle is required, or vice versa. The past simple form is 'withdrew,' while the past participle is 'withdrawn.' For example, learners say 'I have withdrew the money yesterday.' The correct usage is 'I had withdrawn the money yesterday.'

— 02

Incorrect Passive Constructions

Another frequent mistake is using the incorrect form of 'withdraw' in passive voice sentences, particularly Confusing forms. For eaxmple, learners say 'The funds was withdrew from the account.' The correct usage is 'The funds were withdrawn from the account.'

— 03

Misapplication in Perfect Tenses

Misusing the verb forms in perfect tenses, where the past participle is required, but the past simple is mistakenly used instead. For example, learners say 'She has withdraw enough money for the trip.' The correct usage is 'She has withdrawn enough money for the trip.'

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Frequently asked questions

What are the past simple and past participle forms of 'withdraw'?

The past simple form of 'withdraw' is 'withdrew.' The past participle form is 'withdrawn.' It's important to remember these forms as they are irregular and do not follow the standard pattern of adding '-ed' to create past forms.

How do you use 'withdrew' in a sentence?

'Withdrew' is used to indicate an action that happened at a specific time in the past. For example. Yesterday, I withdrew $200 from the ATM. She quietly withdrew from the room when the argument started.

How is 'withdrawn' used in a sentence?

'Withdrawn' is used with auxiliary verbs to form perfect tenses or the passive voice. It indicates an action that has been completed at some point in the past or its result is relevant to the present or future. Examples include. By the time we arrived, the money had already been withdrawn from the account. He has withdrawn his application for the job.

Can you explain the difference between 'withdrew' and 'withdrawn' with an example?

Sure! The key difference lies in their grammatical usage. 'Withdrew' is used for actions in the simple past, whereas 'withdrawn' is used in perfect tenses or passive voice. Example with 'withdrew'. Last week, Sarah withdrew her participation in the competition due to personal reasons. Example with 'withdrawn'. Sarah has withdrawn her participation in the competition due to personal reasons. In the first sentence, 'withdrew' directly tells us about an action Sarah did at a specific time in the past (last week). In the second sentence, 'has withdrawn' is used to indicate that Sarah's action of withdrawing her participation has relevance to the present context or her current state.