What is synonyms for bestie

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A person's best friend or close companion.

Synonyms of bestie


Strongest matches:

- best friend

- BFF (Best Friend Forever)

- buddy

- pal

Weak matches:

- companion

- confidant

- mate

- sidekick

- partner in crime


foe, enemy, rival, antagonist, adversary, opponent

Usage examples:

1. My bestie and I have known each other since we were kids.

2. I can always count on my bestie to listen to me when I need to talk.

3. I'm so grateful to have a bestie like her in my life.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another word I can use instead of 'bestie' when referring to a close friend?

You can use the word 'confidant' to refer to a close friend with whom you can share secrets and personal matters.

Is there a synonym for 'bestie' that emphasizes the fun aspect of the friendship?

Yes, 'partner in crime' is a playful synonym that highlights the adventurous and fun side of the friendship.

What synonym for 'bestie' is suitable in a more formal or literary context?

'Bosom friend' is a term that carries a formal or literary tone, suitable for expressing a deep and intimate friendship.

Can I use 'soulmate' as a synonym for 'bestie'?

While 'soulmate' often implies a romantic connection, it can also be used to describe a deeply connected non-romantic friendship, emphasizing a profound and unique bond between friends.