What is synonyms for clingy

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Overly dependent on someone's attention or affection to an excessive degree.

Synonyms of clingy


As in needing emotional support, overly dependent

Strongest matches:

- needy

- dependent

- insecure

Weak matches:

- possessive

- demanding

- codependent


As in sticking to something or someone

Strongest matches:

- adhesive

- sticky

- tenacious

Weak matches:

- tacky

- grippy

- adherent


independent, detached, aloof, distant, self-sufficient

Usage examples:

1. My toddler becomes very clingy whenever we visit new places, refusing to leave my side.

2. The new dress I bought is made of such clingy fabric that it outlines every curve of my body.

3. After the rain, the wet leaves were clingy, sticking to the bottoms of our shoes.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a professional synonym for 'clingy' that can be used in a workplace context?

A professional synonym for 'clingy' that would be suitable in a workplace context is 'overly dependent.' This term conveys the idea of someone needing excessive support or reassurance without the casual or negative connotations that 'clingy' might imply.

Is there a synonym for 'clingy' which implies a positive trait instead of a negative one?

Yes, 'devoted' can be considered a positive synonym for 'clingy.' While 'clingy' often has a negative connotation of being overly attached in an unhealthy way, 'devoted' suggests loyalty and strong commitment, which are positive attributes.

Can 'clingy' and 'needy' be used interchangeably?

While 'clingy' and 'needy' are often used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference in their connotations. 'Clingy' specifically refers to the physical or emotional attachment one might have towards another person, indicating a desire to be close or constantly in contact. 'Needy,' on the other hand, implies a broader requirement for attention, support, or reassurance, not exclusively from a specific person but possibly from anyone available. 'Needy' can also apply to emotional or material needs beyond just personal attachment.

What is a more casual synonym for 'clingy' that could be used among friends?

A more casual synonym for 'clingy' that could be used in a friendly conversation is 'sticky.' Just like 'clingy,' 'sticky' conveys the idea of someone being overly attached in a way that's humorous and light, making it less likely to offend when used in a casual context among friends.