What is synonyms for surface-level

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/ˈsɜːr.fɪs ˈlɛv.əl/

Concerning or involving only the outward or visible aspects or characteristics of something, without delving into deeper details or complexities.

Synonyms of surface-level


Strongest matches:

- superficial

- shallow

- skin-deep

- cursory

Weak matches:

- external

- outward

- apparent


Strongest matches:

- top

- surface

- cover

Weak matches:

- outer layer

- semblance

- coating


deep, profound, thorough, comprehensive, detailed, extensive, exhaustive

Usage examples:

1. The surface-level analysis of the report failed to uncover the deeper issues plaguing the company.

2. While the movie was entertaining, its characters and plot remained at a surface-level, without any significant depth or development.

3. Their relationship seemed perfect on the surface, but deep down, it was merely surface-level and lacked real emotional connection.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'surface-level' that implies something is not deep or profound?

A common synonym for 'surface-level' in this context is 'superficial.' This term suggests that something is only apparent at the visible level, without depth or significant importance.

Is there a synonym for 'surface-level' that can be used in a technical or scientific context?

Yes, 'superficial' is also used in technical or scientific contexts to describe something relating to or occurring on the surface of something. However, 'epidermal' can be used specifically when referring to the outer layer of skin or surfaces in biology.

What synonym would be appropriate for 'surface-level' when discussing someone's understanding of a topic?

When discussing someone's understanding of a topic, 'shallow' is an appropriate synonym for 'surface-level.' It suggests a lack of depth or thoroughness in knowledge or comprehension.

Can 'cursory' be considered a synonym for 'surface-level,' and in what context is it best used?

Yes, 'cursory' can be considered a synonym for 'surface-level.' It is best used in contexts where a quick, superficial review or examination is conducted, implying that the examination lacks depth and detailed analysis.