What is synonyms for for

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/ fɔːr /

A preposition used to indicate the purpose, recipient, or agent of an action, or the reason something is done.

Synonyms of for


As in because of, due to

Strongest matches:

- because of

- due to

- owing to

- on account of

Weak matches:

- in view of

- by reason of

- in light of


As in in favor of

Strongest matches:

- in support of

- backing

- endorsing

Weak matches:

- pro

- championing


As in in place of, instead of

Strongest matches:

- in place of

- instead of

- in lieu of

Weak matches:

- substituting for

- replacing


As in on behalf of

Strongest matches:

- on behalf of

- representing

- in the interest of

Weak matches:

- advocating for

- standing in for


As in with the purpose of

Strongest matches:

- with the purpose of

- with the aim of

- with the intention of

Weak matches:

- aiming to

- seeking to

- in order to


Strongest matches:

- because

- since

- as

Weak matches:

- given that

- seeing that

- now that


against, versus, anti, opposed to

Usage examples:

1. She bought a gift for her friend's birthday.

2. They waited for the bus to arrive.

3. They have a tradition of going for a jog in the morning, regardless of the weather conditions.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'for' when expressing the reason or cause of something?

'Because of,' 'on account of,' and 'due to' are frequently used synonyms when you're explaining the reason or cause of something. For example, 'She was late because of the traffic.'

When indicating a purpose or intended goal, what synonyms can replace 'for'?

'With the aim of,' 'with the intention of,' and 'with the purpose of' can be used as alternatives. For instance, 'He's saving money with the aim of buying a new car.'

Are there any specific synonyms for 'for' when it's used in the context of supporting someone or something?

Yes, 'in support of,' 'in favor of,' and 'behind' are suitable replacements. For example, 'The whole team is in support of the new project.'

Can 'for' be replaced with a synonym when it's used to indicate a duration of time?

Certainly, 'throughout,' 'during,' and 'over' serve as good alternatives in the context of time duration. An example would be, 'She lived in Spain for two years' could be rephrased as 'She lived in Spain throughout two years.'