What is synonyms for had to

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had to

/hæd tu/

Was required or obligated to.

Synonyms of had to


As in an obligation to

Strongest matches:

- must

- need to

- should

Weak matches:

- owe it to

- are supposed to


As in being forced or coerced

Strongest matches:

- compelled

- forced

- required

Weak matches:

- pressured

- coerced


did not have to, was not required to, was not obligated to, had no need to

Usage examples:

1. After realizing she had forgotten her phone at home, she had to turn back to retrieve it.

2. He had to study hard for the final exams to maintain his scholarship.

3. They had to cancel their vacation plans due to the unexpected hurricane warning.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'had to'?

Some common synonyms for 'had to' include 'must,' 'needed to,' 'was obliged to,' and 'was required to.' Each of these can be used depending on the context to convey a sense of necessity or obligation.

Can 'was compelled to' be used as a synonym for 'had to'?

Yes, 'was compelled to' can be used as a synonym for 'had to.' It implies a strong force or an unavoidable situation that made someone do something, stressing on the aspect of compulsion or coercion.

Is there a difference in usage between 'had to' and 'must'?

Yes, there is a subtle difference. 'Had to' is often used to describe a necessity or obligation in the past, while 'must' is generally used for present or future obligations. However, 'must' can also suggest a stronger necessity than 'had to.'

How can I use 'was required to' in a sentence as a synonym for 'had to'?

'Was required to' can be used in sentences where there is an emphasis on formal or official obligations. For example, 'For her job, she was required to complete an advanced training course' conveys that completing the course was a necessity imposed by an external authority.