What is synonyms for say

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To express in words or articulate verbally.

Synonyms of say


Strongest matches:

- state

- declare

- mention

- express

- utter

Weak matches:

- suggest

- remark

- announce

- note

- comment


be quiet, be silent, keep quiet, quiet down, say nothing

Usage examples:

1. They say that eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but I wonder how much truth there is to that old adage.

2. I didn't know what to say when she asked me about my plans for the future; it felt like such a loaded question.

3. Please say your name and date of birth clearly for the record before we proceed with the interview.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'say' that can be used in professional or academic writing?

A more formal synonym for 'say' is 'articulate.' This term is often used in contexts where precision and clarity of expression are important, such as in academic papers or professional reports.

Is there a synonym for 'say' that implies a lack of certainty?

'Suggest' is a synonym for 'say' that implies a degree of uncertainty or tentativeness. It is used when the speaker wants to propose an idea or opinion without asserting it as a fact.

What synonym for 'say' would be appropriate for use in storytelling or creative writing?

'Narrate' is an excellent synonym for 'say' in the context of storytelling or creative writing. It implies telling a story or giving an account of events in a detailed and structured manner.

Is there a synonym for 'say' that specifically indicates speaking loudly or with emphasis?

'Exclaim' is a synonym for 'say' that indicates speaking with sudden or strong emotion, often loudly or with emphasis. It is typically used to convey surprise, excitement, or other intense feelings.