What is synonyms for very nice

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very nice

/ˈvɛri naɪs/

Extremely pleasant or agreeable.

Synonyms of very nice


As in pleasant or agreeable

Strongest matches:

- wonderful

- delightful

- lovely

Weak matches:

- pleasant

- agreeable

- enjoyable


As in attractive or beautiful

Strongest matches:

- gorgeous

- stunning

- beautiful

Weak matches:

- attractive

- pretty

- comely


As in high quality or excellent

Strongest matches:

- superb

- exceptional

- exquisite

Weak matches:

- fine

- quality

- superior

Usage examples:

1. The weather today is very nice, perfect for a picnic in the park.

2. After trying the new restaurant downtown, I must say their service was very nice and attentive.

3. He received a very nice compliment on his presentation, boosting his confidence.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'very nice' that can be used in casual conversation?

In casual conversations, you can use synonyms such as 'awesome,' 'fantastic,' 'great,' or 'wonderful.' These words convey a similar level of enthusiasm and positivity.

Are there any formal synonyms for 'very nice' suitable for professional or academic contexts?

Yes, in more formal contexts, you might opt for synonyms like 'exemplary,' 'superb,' 'exceptional,' or 'outstanding.' These terms are appropriate for professional or academic settings and convey high praise.

Can 'very nice' and its synonyms be used interchangeably in all situations?

While many synonyms of 'very nice' share similar meanings, their usage can depend on context, tone, and nuance. For example, 'exemplary' might be more fitting for describing a person's work or behavior, while 'wonderful' might be better suited for personal experiences or feelings. It's important to consider the specific context when choosing a synonym.

How can I improve my vocabulary to include more sophisticated synonyms for 'very nice'?

Improving your vocabulary involves regular practice and exposure to diverse sources of language. Reading widely, from literature to academic articles, and listening to varied forms of spoken English, such as podcasts and lectures, can introduce you to new vocabulary. Additionally, using a thesaurus and learning words in context, rather than in isolation, can help you understand the nuances between synonyms and when to use them appropriately.