What is synonyms for information

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Data communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance.

Synonyms of information


As in knowledge

Strongest matches:

- data

- facts

- intelligence

- details

- insights

Weak matches:

- lore

- particulars


As in news

Strongest matches:

- report

- bulletin

- update

- announcement

Weak matches:

- dispatch

- briefing


misinformation, ignorance, disinformation, falsehood, fiction, silence, concealment, misunderstanding

Usage examples:

1. After conducting thorough research, she compiled all the necessary information into a detailed report for her team's review.

2. In today's digital age, the protection of personal information has become a paramount concern for individuals and corporations alike.

3. The tourist information center offers maps and brochures that can help visitors navigate the city.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'information'?

Common synonyms for 'information' include data, facts, intelligence, details, and knowledge. Each synonym emphasizes a slightly different aspect of 'information' but broadly refers to what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.

Is there a difference between 'data' and 'information'?

Yes, there is a nuanced difference. 'Data' refers to raw, unprocessed facts and figures without context, while 'information' is data that has been processed, organized, or presented in a way that gives it meaning. Essentially, data becomes information once it is interpreted and used to make decisions.

Can 'news' be considered a synonym for 'information'?

Yes, 'news' can be considered a synonym for 'information,' especially in contexts where the information is timely, relevant, and of public interest. However, 'news' typically refers to more specific, current events or updates, whereas 'information' is a broader term that can include any type of data or knowledge.

How do I choose the right synonym for 'information' in my writing?

The choice of synonym depends on the context and the specific type of information you are referring to. For technical or scientific writing, 'data' might be more appropriate. For general knowledge or educational content, 'facts' or 'knowledge' could fit better. Consider what aspect of 'information' you want to emphasize and choose the synonym that best aligns with your intended meaning.