What is synonyms for develop

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To grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.

Synonyms of develop


As in expand or elaborate

Strongest matches:

- elaborate

- expand

- expound

- flesh out

Weak matches:

- detail

- explain

- unfold


As in grow or cause to grow

Strongest matches:

- grow

- evolve

- mature

Weak matches:

- burgeon

- flourish

- thrive


As in build or construct

Strongest matches:

- build

- construct

- erect

Weak matches:

- raise

- set up

- establish


As in bring into being

Strongest matches:

- create

- generate

- produce

Weak matches:

- form

- originate

- spawn


As in process

Strongest matches:

- process

- print

Weak matches:

- reveal

- expose


decline, regress, deteriorate, diminish, reduce, decrease, shrink, contract, lessen, degrade

Usage examples:

1. The software company plans to develop a new application that simplifies online shopping for users, aiming for a release early next year.

2. As the child grows, it's crucial to nurture and develop their social skills through playdates and group activities.

3. The city council approved a plan to develop the abandoned waterfront area into a thriving commercial and residential district.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'develop'?

A more formal synonym for 'develop' is 'cultivate.'

Can 'evolve' be used interchangeably with 'develop'?

Yes, 'evolve' can be used interchangeably with 'develop' in many contexts.

What synonym for 'develop' implies a sudden or rapid change?

'Flourish' implies a rapid or sudden change and can be used to describe quick development or growth.

Is there a synonym for 'develop' that specifically relates to the development of ideas or plans?

'Formulate' is a synonym that specifically relates to the development of ideas or plans.