What is synonyms for look like

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look like

/ˈlʊk laɪk/

To bear a resemblance to or appear similar to something or someone.

Synonyms of look like


As in resemble or appear similar

Strongest matches:

- mirror

- resemble

- mimic

Weak matches:

- echo

- simulate

- suggest


As in seem or give the impression of being

Strongest matches:

- appear

- seem

Weak matches:

- imply

- hint

- indicate


differ from, contrast with, deviate from

Usage examples:

1. After hours of playing in the rain, the children's mud-stained clothes made them look like little adventurers coming back from a jungle expedition.

2. The new software update is designed to make the user interface look like a more intuitive and user-friendly platform, enhancing the overall experience.

3. When she walked into the themed party, her costume was so well done that she really did look like a character straight out of a 1920s silent film.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some alternative phrases to 'look like' that I can use in my writing?

You can use phrases such as 'resemble,' 'bear a resemblance to,' 'mirror,' and 'echo' as alternatives to 'look like' in your writing to add variety and depth.

Is 'appear to be' a suitable synonym for 'look like' in formal writing?

Yes, 'appear to be' is a suitable synonym for 'look like' in formal writing. It conveys a similar meaning and is appropriate for a more formal or professional tone.

Can 'mimic' be used interchangeably with 'look like'?

'Mimic' can sometimes be used interchangeably with 'look like,' especially when referring to something that not only looks similar but also acts or behaves in a similar way. However, 'mimic' often implies imitation beyond just appearance, so context is key.

What synonym for 'look like' is best used when describing a strong visual similarity?

When describing a strong visual similarity, the phrase 'resemble' is often the best synonym for 'look like.' It implies a close or striking likeness in appearance.