What is synonyms for mother

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A female parent; to care or nurture.

Synonyms of mother


As in parent

Strongest matches:

- mom

- mum

- mama

- mummy

- mommy

- mater

Weak matches:

- parent

- maternal figure

- progenitor


As in originator or creator

Strongest matches:

- founder

- originator

- creator

- progenitor

Weak matches:

- source

- ancestor

- precursor

- forebear


Strongest matches:

- nurture

- care for

- look after

- provide for

Weak matches:

- foster

- cherish

- attend to

- nourish


father, son, daughter

Usage examples:

1. Sarah rushed home to prepare a special dinner for her mother, who was visiting from out of town.

2. In biology class, we learned about how a mother kangaroo carries her joey in her pouch for several months after birth.

3. My mother always makes the best homemade meals that remind me of my childhood.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'mother'?

A more formal synonym for 'mother' is 'maternal parent.' This term is often used in legal, medical, or formal documents to refer to one's mother in a more official capacity.

Is there a synonym for 'mother' that reflects a nurturing role?

Yes, 'caretaker' is a synonym that emphasizes the nurturing and caring role of a mother. While it can apply to anyone in a nurturing role, it is commonly used to describe the caring aspect of a mother's duties.

What synonym for 'mother' can be used in a more affectionate or endearing context?

'Mama' is an affectionate and endearing synonym for 'mother.' It's often used in informal contexts or within families to express love and warmth towards one's mother.

Can 'guardian' be considered a synonym for 'mother'?

Yes, 'guardian' can be considered a synonym for 'mother' in contexts where the emphasis is on the protective and legal responsibilities of a mother. However, it's a broader term that can also apply to fathers, legal guardians, or others who have a similar protective role in a child's life.