What is synonyms for nature

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The inherent qualities, characteristics, or phenomena of the physical world, including plants, animals, landscapes, and other features and products of the earth.

Synonyms of nature


As in essence, character

Strongest matches:

- essence

- character

- identity

- disposition

- temperament

Weak matches:

- makeup

- constitution

- complexion


As in type, kind

Strongest matches:

- type

- kind

- category

- class

Weak matches:

- genre

- breed

- ilk

- sort


As in the natural world

Strongest matches:

- environment

- wilderness

- outdoors

- natural world

Weak matches:

- flora and fauna

- wildlife

- countryside

- ecosystem


As in inherent or innate qualities

Strongest matches:

- instinct

- innate qualities

- inherent characteristics

Weak matches:

- inborn tendencies

- natural traits

- predisposition


artifice, artificiality, unnaturalness, fabrication, man-made, synthetic

Usage examples:

1. The breathtaking beauty of nature was fully revealed during our hike through the lush, green forest.

2. It is in her nature to help others, always going out of her way to support friends and strangers.

3. The debate on whether intelligence is determined by nature or nurture has been ongoing.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'nature' when referring to the physical world and its landscapes?

A common synonym for 'nature' in the context of the physical world and its landscapes is 'environment.' This term encompasses the natural scenery, ecosystems, and geographical areas that are not significantly altered by human intervention.

Is there a synonym for 'nature' that emphasizes the inherent qualities or characteristics of a person or thing?

Yes, 'essence' is a synonym that highlights the inherent qualities or characteristics of a person or thing. It refers to the fundamental nature or underlying identity that defines someone or something.

What synonym can be used to specifically refer to wildlife and natural habitats?

'Wilderness' is a synonym that can be used to specifically mention wildlife and natural habitats. It refers to areas of the natural world that remain undisturbed by human activity, where wildlife and natural processes can thrive without interference.

Can 'disposition' be used as a synonym for 'nature'?

Yes, 'disposition' can be used as a synonym for 'nature,' particularly in the context of describing a person's inherent temperament or tendency to behave in a certain way. It focuses on the innate characteristics that influence how an individual reacts to situations or expresses emotions.