What is synonyms for never give up

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never give up

/ˈnɛvər ɡɪv ʌp/

Persistently continue striving towards a goal despite difficulties or delays.

Synonyms of never give up


As in persist

Strongest matches:

- persevere

- persist

- continue

- insist

Weak matches:

- endure

- maintain


As in endeavor

Strongest matches:

- strive

- attempt

- try

Weak matches:

- seek

- aspire


As in resist

Strongest matches:

- resist

- withstand

- combat

- oppose

Weak matches:

- challenge

- defy


As in remain committed

Strongest matches:

- stay the course

- hold fast

Weak matches:

- keep at it

- stick with it


surrender, quit, give in, abandon, concede, yield, capitulate

Usage examples:

1. Despite facing numerous setbacks in her career, Maria adhered to her mantra of never give up.

2. Even when the challenges seem insurmountable, it's important to remember to never give up.

3. When learning a new language, it's crucial to remember the principle of never give up.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'never give up'?

A more formal synonym for 'never give up' would be 'persevere.' This term is often used in formal writing and speeches to convey the idea of steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Is there a single word that captures the essence of 'never give up' in a motivational context?

Yes, the word 'persist' encapsulates the motivational aspect of 'never give up.' It conveys the determination to continue steadfastly or obstinately despite challenges or obstacles.

Can 'endure' be considered a synonym for 'never give up'? How does its implication differ?

'Endure' can be considered a synonym in certain contexts, emphasizing the ability to withstand hardships or adversity. However, its implication leans more towards surviving through difficult conditions rather than actively striving to overcome challenges, which is the nuance 'never give up' carries.

What synonym for 'never give up' is best used in a context of achieving dreams or goals?

'Pursue relentlessly' is an excellent phrase for contexts related to achieving dreams or goals. It implies not only the act of never giving up but also taking proactive and continuous steps towards goal attainment.