What is synonyms for I miss you

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I miss you

/aɪ mɪs ju/

An expression of sorrow over someone's absence.

Synonyms of I miss you


As in feeling or experiencing a lack of

Strongest matches:

- yearn for

- long for

- pine for

Weak matches:

- ache for

- crave

- desire


As in regret the absence or loss of

Strongest matches:

- mourn

- grieve for

- sigh for

Weak matches:

- lament

- feel the loss of

- miss dearly


I have you, I'm with you, I found you

Usage examples:

1. Even though we talk on the phone every day, I miss you so much and can't wait to see you.

2. It's only been a week since you left, but I miss you more than words can express.

3. I miss you already, and you've only been gone for a few hours.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some alternative ways to say 'I miss you'?

To express a deeper emotional connection, you might say 'I yearn for your presence,' 'Your absence leaves a void in my heart,' or 'I long for the moments we share.' Each of these phrases adds a layer of depth and intensity to the sentiment of missing someone.

How can I say 'I miss you' in a more casual or light-hearted manner?

For a more casual or light-hearted expression, you could say 'Feeling your absence,' 'It's too quiet without you,' or 'Wish you were here.' These phrases communicate the feeling of missing someone without the same intensity, making them suitable for less serious contexts.

Are there any poetic expressions to convey the message 'I miss you' without directly saying it?

Yes, poetic expressions can beautifully convey the sentiment. For example, 'The stars seem dim without your light,' 'In your absence, time stands still,' or 'Every sunset reminds me of the colors you bring into my life.' These poetic versions offer a creative and evocative way to express missing someone.

What are some succinct ways to convey 'I miss you' for text or social media?

You can use abbreviations: 'MU' – 'I miss you,' 'MUSM' – 'I miss you so much.