What is synonyms for not working

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not working

/not ˈwɜrkɪŋ/

Out of order or not functioning.

Synonyms of not working


Strongest matches:

- inoperative

- nonfunctional

- dysfunctional

- broken

- inactive

Weak matches:

- unserviceable

- faulty

- defective

- malfunctioning


Strongest matches:

- idling

- resting

Weak matches:

- loafing

- lazing


Strongest matches:

- downtime

- standstill

Weak matches:

- break

- pause


operational, functioning, working, active, running, effective, productive, operational

Usage examples:

1. After numerous attempts to turn it on, she realized her laptop was not working, likely due to a faulty battery.

2. Despite his efforts, John found the new strategy he implemented at work was not working, leading him to reconsider his approach.

3. The old fountain in the center of the park had been not working for years, until the community gathered funds to finally repair it.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some synonyms for 'not working' when referring to a malfunctioning device?

When a device is not functioning properly, synonyms for 'not working' include 'broken,' 'defective,' 'faulty,' and 'inoperative.' You might also describe the device as 'out of order' or 'malfunctioning.'

How can I describe a person who is currently unemployed using synonyms for 'not working'?

For an unemployed person, synonyms for 'not working' could be 'jobless,' 'unemployed,' 'out of work,' or 'idle.' These terms specifically refer to someone who is not engaged in a paid job or activity.

Are there any informal or slang terms that mean 'not working'?

Yes, in informal or slang contexts, you might hear terms like 'kaput,' 'busted,' or 'on the fritz' to describe something that's not working. These terms are more colloquial and might not be suitable for formal contexts.

Can 'not working' refer to strategies or methods, and if so, what synonyms can be used?

Absolutely, when referring to strategies or methods that are ineffective, synonyms for 'not working' include 'ineffective,' 'unsuccessful,' 'inefficient,' or 'futile.' You might also say that a strategy 'falls short' or 'misses the mark.'