What is synonyms for plastic bullet

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plastic bullet

/plæstɪk ˈbʊlɪt/

A non-lethal projectile made of plastic, used by law enforcement for riot control.

Synonyms of plastic bullet


Strongest matches:

- rubber bullet

- less-lethal round

- non-lethal projectile

Weak matches:

- bean bag round

- sponge grenade


real bullet, metal bullet, live round, lethal round

Usage examples:

1. During the protest, the police resorted to firing plastic bullets to disperse the crowd without causing lethal injuries.

2. The use of plastic bullets has been a topic of debate due to concerns about their safety and effectiveness.

3. In some training exercises, law enforcement agencies use plastic bullets to simulate real-life scenarios.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another term used for 'plastic bullet'?

Another common term for 'plastic bullet' is 'rubber bullet.' Both are used by law enforcement for crowd control and are non-lethal alternatives to traditional ammunition.

Can 'less-lethal rounds' be considered a synonym for 'plastic bullets'?

Yes, 'less-lethal rounds' is a broader term that encompasses a variety of non-lethal ammunition types, including plastic bullets, rubber bullets, bean bag rounds, and sponge grenades. Therefore, it can be considered a synonym in a more general sense.

Is 'non-lethal projectile' a synonym for 'plastic bullet'?

'Non-lethal projectile' is indeed a synonym for 'plastic bullet.' This term highlights the intended non-lethal nature of these enforcement tools, though it's worth noting the potential for serious injury still exists.

What are 'kinetic impact projectiles' and are they related to plastic bullets?

'Kinetic impact projectiles' (KIPs) are a category of weapons designed to incapacitate a person through blunt force trauma without penetrating the body. Plastic bullets fall under this category, making 'kinetic impact projectiles' a broader synonym that includes plastic bullets as well as other similar non-lethal ammunition.