What is synonyms for sex

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The term refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define humans as female or male; an act of engaging in intimate relations.

Synonyms of sex


As in gender

Strongest matches:

- gender

- biological sex

Weak matches:

- sexuality


As in intercourse

Strongest matches:

- intercourse

- coitus

Weak matches:

- lovemaking

- copulation

- mating


As in to have intercourse

Strongest matches:

- copulate

- mate

Weak matches:

- bed

- lay


asexuality, celibacy, chastity

Usage examples:

1. The survey included questions about age, sex, and occupation to gather demographic information.

2. The novel explores themes of love, identity, and sex in a contemporary setting.

3. In biology class, we learned about the differences in sex chromosomes and how they determine biological sex.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some formal synonyms for 'sex' used in medical or scientific contexts?

In medical or scientific contexts, terms like 'gender,' 'sexual reproduction,' and 'biological sex' are often used as formal synonyms or related terms. These terms focus on the biological aspects and distinctions in reproductive anatomy and functions.

Are there any neutral synonyms for 'sex' that can be used in everyday conversation?

Yes, terms like 'gender' are commonly used in everyday language to refer to sex without sounding too clinical. However, it's important to note that 'gender' and 'sex' have distinct meanings, with 'gender' often referring to social and identity aspects rather than the biological ones. 'Sexual orientation' is another term related to sex but focuses on the direction of one's sexual interest toward the same, opposite, or both sexes.

Can 'intercourse' be considered a synonym for 'sex'?

Yes, 'intercourse' can be considered a synonym for 'sex,' specifically referring to the act of sexual connection or activity between individuals. However, it is more specific than 'sex' as it typically refers to the physical act, whereas 'sex' can encompass a broader range of meanings including biological differences and sexual activity.

What is a respectful way to ask about someone's sex in a form or survey?

A respectful way to inquire about someone's sex in a form or survey is to use the term 'Sex at birth: Male, Female, or Prefer not to say.' This phrasing acknowledges the biological aspect of sex while also providing an option for respondents who may prefer not to disclose this information. For inclusivity, consider also asking about gender identity separately, if relevant, to ensure all respondents feel recognized and respected.