What is synonyms for storage

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A place or space where items are kept for safekeeping or future use.

Synonyms of storage


As in place for storing goods or items

Strongest matches:

- warehouse

- depot

- storehouse

- repository

Weak matches:

- locker

- bin

- cupboard

- closet


As in act of storing goods

Strongest matches:

- stowing

- stockpiling

Weak matches:

- hoarding

- accumulation


Strongest matches:

- preserve

- archive

Weak matches:

- cache

- amass


disposal, distribution, removal, depletion, usage, consumption

Usage examples:

1. She had to rent a storage unit to keep all of her extra furniture and boxes that wouldn't fit in her new space.

2. The company improved its data management by upgrading to cloud storage.

3. The vegetables from the garden were kept in cold storage to preserve their freshness.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another word for 'storage' that implies a large-scale or industrial setting?

A suitable synonym for 'storage' in the context of a large-scale or industrial setting is 'warehouse.' Warehousing refers to the commercial or industrial spaces used for storing goods in large quantities.

Is there a synonym for 'storage' that suggests a more temporary or short-term solution?

Yes, the term 'repository' can imply a more temporary or short-term storage solution. However, 'repository' can also denote a place where items are stored for longer periods, especially those of significance or value. For a more explicitly temporary context, 'holding area' or 'staging area' might be more appropriate.

What synonym can I use for 'storage' when referring to digital data?

For digital data, 'data storage' is the most direct synonym. However, terms like 'memory' for immediate, short-term storage, and 'database' for structured collections of data, or 'cloud storage' for internet-based storage solutions, are also commonly used depending on the specific context.

Which synonym would be appropriate to describe the storage of liquids in large quantities?

For digital data, 'data storage' is the most direct synonym. However, terms like 'memory' for immediate, short-term storage, and 'database' for structured collections of data, or 'cloud storage' for internet-based storage solutions, are also commonly used depending on the specific context.