What is another word for inscrutable

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Impossible to understand or interpret.

Antonyms of inscrutable


Strongest matches:

- clear

- obvious

- evident

- transparent

- understandable

Weak matches:

- comprehensible

- intelligible

- perceptible

- lucid


enigmatic, mysterious, unfathomable, impenetrable, cryptic, obscure, arcane, perplexing, puzzling, baffling

Usage examples:

1. The ancient text was written in an inscrutable script that puzzled historians for centuries.

2. Her expression remained inscrutable, giving nothing away about her true feelings.

3. Despite hours of analysis, the motive behind the crime remained inscrutable to the detectives.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'inscrutable'?

A common antonym for 'inscrutable' is 'transparent.' While 'inscrutable' refers to something that is difficult to understand or interpret, 'transparent' suggests clearness and ease of understanding.

Can 'obvious' be considered an antonym of 'inscrutable'?

Yes, 'obvious' can be considered an antonym of 'inscrutable.' If something is 'inscrutable,' its meaning or reasoning is not easily discerned, whereas if it is 'obvious,' it is readily apparent and easily understood.

Is 'comprehensible' a direct opposite of 'inscrutable'?

Yes, 'comprehensible' is a direct opposite of 'inscrutable.' 'Inscrutable' implies that something cannot be easily understood or interpreted, while 'comprehensible' means that something can be grasped mentally, making it understandable.

How does 'enigmatic' relate to 'inscrutable' in terms of antonyms?

'Enigmatic' is not an antonym but rather a synonym of 'inscrutable.' Both terms describe something that is mysterious or difficult to interpret. For antonyms of 'inscrutable,' you would look for words that convey clarity or ease of understanding, such as 'clear' or 'evident.'