Magic Coloring Pages for Kids

Dive into a world of colors with the Keiki App! Get a bright, educational collection of coloring pictures for kids and unleash your child's creative spirit.

Your Go-To for Kid's Coloring Fun

What your child gets with the Keiki App

Educational coloring sheets

Learn by coloring pages with numbers, letters, shapes, and more. These educational coloring sheets are designed to practice basic concepts in a fun and engaging way, helping your child develop key skills through play.

Beloved fairy tales

Bring your favorite stories to life with delightful illustrations to color. The collection of coloring for kids includes scenes from fairy tales, allowing children to immerse themselves in the magic of storytelling and express their creativity.

Interactive coloring tools

Easy-to-use coloring instruments, such as color fill and free drawing, help your child create their own masterpiece. With a range of digital brushes, paints, and effects, the Keiki App provides a kid-friendly interface that encourages your child’s creative exploration and develops fine motor skills.

Exciting and fun coloring pages for kids await!

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Color, Create, and Learn

Coloring pages kids will love to complete:

Integrated educational content

Coloring sheets for kids combine learning with creativity, including numbers, letters, shapes, and other cool pages. Available in both print and digital formats, these coloring sheets make learning fun and interactive for your kid.

Child-friendly environment

Enjoy all the activities explicitly on the safe, ad-free platform. Your child can explore and color in a secure, kid-friendly space. The app's interface is designed specifically for children, with intuitive navigation and bright, attractive graphics that make interacting with it easy and enjoyable for young users.

Weekly updates

Updating the Keiki’s library keeps your child engaged in coloring. The regular updates ensure your little artist always finds something new to help prevent boredom and keep their enthusiasm for coloring up. With constantly updating themes and patterns, the app makes coloring fun and dynamic and grows with your child.

Parental controls

Track your child's usage and activities to ensure they access safe and suitable content. Easily review their progress and see which stories and coloring pages they have engaged with. With these tools, stay involved in your child’s learning journey, fostering a positive and productive experience.

Integrated educational content

Coloring sheets for kids combine learning with creativity, including numbers, letters, shapes, and other cool pages. Available in both print and digital formats, these coloring sheets make learning fun and interactive for your kid.

One-stop Solution for Your Child

Discover the ultimate educational tool with the Keiki App, designed to meet all your child's creative and learning needs. The app offers a wide range of features, making it a one-stop solution for children of all ages. Whether your child is a toddler, preschooler, or schoolchild, the app provides age-appropriate content that engages and educates.

Join the Keiki App now and color your child’s way to fun!

Join Keiki

What parents say

App Store

So nice! My kids having great time playing different games and puzzels with different levels. I was surprised that the have something like interactive or live cartoons so its like good option for YouTube replacement. One of the best educational app for preschoolers in the market.

Google Play

Very helpful app, it's a fun way for children to learn. Bright and colourful. I highly recommend.


Thank you for providing an environment where kids can learn and have a fantastic time.


Children love litening to the narrated stories and exploring the vibrant illustrations. Youngest son fond of it!

Frequently asked questions

Does the Keiki App have any educational coloring pages?

Yes, the Keiki app includes a variety of educational coloring pages for kids that provide numbers, letters, shapes, and other essential concepts, making learning fun and interactive. With the kid's coloring sheets, you can make your child's screen time fun and educational, supporting their intellectual growth and keeping them entertained.

What variety of coloring pages does the Keiki App offer?

The Keiki app offers a wide range of coloring pages with educational topics, favorite fairy tales, charming nature paintings, cute animals, and much more. With something for every child to spark their creativity and satisfy their unique interests, the possibilities for creative exploration are endless.

Can I print coloring pages from the Keiki App?

Certainly! The Keiki App offers a coloring page feature, allowing you to easily print your child's favorite designs for offline enjoyment. Just download coloring printable pages from the Keiki app and print them. This option lets your child enjoy their work on paper and share their colorful creations with family and friends. And you'll always have something to keep your child entertained on the go or otherwise.

How often are new coloring pages added?

New color pages for kids are added to the Keiki app with weekly updates, ensuring that your child always has fresh and exciting content to explore and enjoy.

Is the Keiki App safe for my child to use?

Absolutely! The Keiki app provides a safe, ad-free environment created specifically for children. At Keiki, your child's safety comes first, ensuring that all content is age-appropriate and engaging. Furthermore, all materials are approved by experts and parents.

Can my child use the Keiki App on different devices?

Yes! The Keiki app is compatible with various devices, including tablets and smartphones, allowing your child to enjoy coloring and fun educational content anytime, anywhere.

How do I start using the Keiki App for my child?

To get started with the Keiki app, simply download it from your favorite app store (Google Play or App Store), sign up, and let your child dive into the world of coloring and creativity. Customizing and starting a colorful, fun, and educational adventure is easy!