What is synonyms for another example

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another example

/əˈnʌðər ɪɡˈzæmpəl/

A representation or instance used to illustrate a specific case or scenario.

Synonyms of another example


Strongest matches:

- additional instance

- further illustration

- additional example

- extra instance

- further instance

- different case

Weak matches:

- supplementary example

- next example

- similar instance

- alternative example

- one more example

- another illustration

- one other example


none, neither, the same instance, no further examples, the initial example, without more examples, no additional instances

Usage examples:

1. The Eiffel Tower is another example of impressive architectural design in Europe.

2. His quick response to the emergency is another example of his dedication to his job.

3. The successful launch of the new product is another example of the company's innovative approach.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a synonym for 'another example' that I can use in academic writing?

In academic writing, you can use 'further instance' as a formal synonym for 'another example.' This term helps maintain the scholarly tone of your text.

Is there a concise way to say 'another example' in presentations or speeches?

Yes, you can use 'another case' or simply 'additionally' in presentations or speeches. These terms are succinct and keep your audience engaged without repeating the same phrase.

What is an alternative phrase for 'another example' that implies a strong illustration of a point?

'Another illustration' is an effective alternative that implies a strong, vivid example or demonstration of a point. It conveys the sense of providing clear evidence or clarification.

Is there a synonym for 'another example' that fits well in informal or conversational contexts?

In informal or conversational contexts, 'another instance' or 'another one' works well. These phrases are relaxed yet convey the idea of providing additional examples or cases effectively.