What is synonyms for due to the fact

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due to the fact

/djuː tuː ðə fækt/

Because or since, indicating the reason or cause of something.

Synonyms of due to the fact


Strongest matches:

- because

- since

- as

Weak matches:

- for

- inasmuch as

- given that


Strongest matches:

- accordingly

- consequently

Weak matches:

- therefore

- thus


however, nevertheless, despite, regardless of, though

Usage examples:

1. Due to the fact that it was raining heavily, the outdoor concert was postponed to the following weekend.

2. She decided to take a different route to work due to the fact that the main road was under construction.

3. The team's success was largely due to the fact that they had practiced diligently every day for months.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more concise synonym for 'due to the fact'?

A more concise synonym for 'due to the fact' is 'because.' It conveys the same meaning of causality or reason in a more straightforward manner.

Is there a formal synonym for 'due to the fact' that can be used in professional writing?

Yes, 'owing to' is a formal synonym that fits well in professional or academic writing. It serves the same purpose of linking cause and effect in a sophisticated tone.

What is a synonym for 'due to the fact' that is suitable for conversational language?

For a more casual or conversational tone, 'since' works as an excellent synonym. It's easy to use and understand, making it perfect for everyday conversations.

What is a synonym for 'due to the fact' that implies a strong cause-and-effect relationship?

'As a result of' is a synonym that emphasizes a strong causal relationship. It is particularly useful when you want to highlight the impact or consequence directly linked to a cause.