What is synonyms for fink

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A person who informs on others to the authorities; to inform on someone to the police or a person in authority; dishonest and not to be trusted.

Synonyms of fink


As in informant

Strongest matches:

- informant

- informer

- snitch

- spy

- rat

Weak matches:

- stool pigeon

- tattletale

- whistleblower

- nark

- betrayer

- squealer


As in traitor

Strongest matches:

- traitor

- betrayer

- backstabber

Weak matches:

- double-crosser

- turncoat

- Judas


loyalist, faithful, supporter, ally, friend

Usage examples:

1. The gang suspected there was a fink among them who had tipped off the police.

2. In a moment of desperation, Kevin decided to fink on his coworkers to save his own job.

3. The teacher asked the students not to fink on each other for minor issues, emphasizing the importance of building trust.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'fink' that implies betrayal?

A common synonym for 'fink' with a connotation of betrayal is 'traitor.' This term emphasizes the aspect of disloyalty or betrayal to a group, cause, or trust.

Is there a less formal synonym for 'fink' that suggests someone is an informer?

Yes, 'snitch' is a less formal synonym for 'fink' that suggests someone who informs on others, typically to authorities or people in power, often in exchange for personal gain or leniency.

Can 'rat' be considered a synonym for 'fink'?

Absolutely, 'rat' is considered a synonym for 'fink,' especially in contexts where someone is seen as betraying their peers or group by reporting clandestine or illegal activities to the authorities. It carries a strong negative connotation similar to 'fink.'

What synonym for 'fink' is specifically used in legal or police contexts?

In legal or police contexts, 'informant' is the synonym for 'fink' that is specifically used. It refers to someone who provides privileged information or intelligence to law enforcement bodies, often from within a criminal organization.