What is synonyms for for instance

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for instance

/fɔːr ˈɪnstəns/

Used to introduce a specific example or case.

Synonyms of for instance


Strongest matches:

- for example

- such as

- like

- to illustrate

- as an example

Weak matches:

- including

- namely

- in particular

- case in point

- e.g.


in general, as a whole, broadly, overall, generally speaking

Usage examples:

1. Cultural festivals vary greatly around the world; for instance, the Rio Carnival in Brazil is famous for its vibrant parades and samba dancing.

2. Traditional clothing can be very distinct among cultures; for instance, in Scotland, wearing kilts is a symbol of national pride.

3. Food customs differ significantly across cultures; for instance, in Japan, it's common to eat sushi and other dishes with chopsticks.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'for instance' that can be used in formal writing?

A common synonym for 'for instance' in formal writing is 'for example.' This phrase is widely accepted in academic and professional contexts to introduce a specific example or case that illustrates a broader point.

Is there a shorter synonym for 'for instance' that can be used in casual or informal settings?

Yes, 'e.g.,' which stands for the Latin phrase 'exempli gratia,' is a shorter synonym for 'for instance' that can be used in both casual and formal writings, but it's more often seen in written text than spoken language. It specifically signals that examples are about to be given.

Can 'such as' be used interchangeably with 'for instance'?

'Such as' is often used interchangeably with 'for instance' when listing examples. However, 'such as' is typically used before mentioning the examples directly, without the need for a following sentence, making it slightly different in usage compared to 'for instance.'

Is 'namely' a suitable alternative to 'for instance,' and how is it used differently?

'Namely' is a suitable alternative to 'for instance' but is used to specify or explain rather than to provide a list of examples. It introduces a more definitive and limited set of items or a single item, providing clarity or specification rather than illustrating with examples.