What is synonyms for next steps

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next steps

/nekst steps/

Refer to the subsequent actions or tasks that are planned or required to progress in a project, process, or plan.

Synonyms of next steps


Strongest matches:

- subsequent actions

- following measures

- future steps

- next phases

- ensuing tasks

Weak matches:

- further proceedings

- upcoming moves

- next courses

- later stages

- proceeding steps


previous steps, past steps, prior steps

Usage examples:

1. After reviewing the project proposal, the team discussed the next steps to move forward with the implementation.

2. The meeting concluded with a clear outline of the next steps for achieving our quarterly goals.

3. Now that we have completed the initial phase, our next steps involve testing the product and gathering user feedback.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some alternative phrases to 'next steps'?

Alternative phrases to 'next steps' include 'following actions,' 'subsequent steps,' 'future actions,' and 'next phases.' Each of these can be used interchangeably depending on the context and the progression you're referring to.

Can 'next moves' be used in place of 'next steps'?

Yes, 'next moves' can be used as a synonym for 'next steps,' especially in contexts that involve strategy or planning, such as in business or game strategy discussions. It implies a forward-thinking approach and the planning of immediate actions.

Is 'upcoming steps' a correct synonym for 'next steps'?

Yes, 'upcoming steps' is a correct synonym and is particularly useful when referring to a sequence of actions that are planned for the near future. It emphasizes that these steps are imminent and have been scheduled or are part of a planned process.

How does 'proceedings' compare to 'next steps'?

While 'proceedings' can contextually align with 'next steps,' it is broader and can refer to the entire process or events that are happening, not just the steps that are to be taken next. 'Proceedings' is more commonly used in formal or legal contexts to describe the course of actions or events, whereas 'next steps' is more specific to the immediate actions to follow in a sequence.