What is synonyms for this is because

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this is because

/ðɪs ɪz bɪˈkɔz/

It introduces a reason or explanation for a statement made previously.

Synonyms of this is because


Strongest matches:

- this is due to the fact that

- this occurs because

- the reason for this is that

Weak matches:

- this happens because

- this results from

- this can be attributed to


this is despite, this is although, this is in spite of, this is regardless of

Usage examples:

1. The meeting was postponed, and this is because the CEO fell ill unexpectedly.

2. She always locks her diary in the drawer; this is because she fears someone might read her personal thoughts.

3. The experiment yielded different results this time, and this is because the temperature in the lab was not accurately controlled.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another way to say 'this is because' when writing an essay?

A popular alternative is 'this is due to the fact that.' It serves the same purpose of linking cause and effect or providing a reason, making it suitable for formal writing such as essays.

Can 'therefore' be used as a synonym for 'this is because'?

Not exactly. 'Therefore' is more commonly used to denote a consequence or result rather than the reason behind something. Instead of 'this is because,' it suggests a conclusion drawn from the preceding information. Is 'owing to' a suitable replacement for 'this is because' in academic writing.

Is 'owing to' a suitable replacement for 'this is because' in academic writing?

Yes, 'owing to' is an appropriate synonym in academic writing. It is used to introduce the reason or cause of something, much like 'this is because,' and fits well in formal contexts.

What is a concise alternative to 'this is because' that can be used in professional emails?

'As a result of' is a concise and professional alternative that conveys the reason behind a statement or action effectively in emails. It's clear and to the point, making it ideal for professional communication.